Source code for livemaker.lsb.novel

# -*- coding: utf-8
# Copyright (C) 2019 Peter Rowlands <>
# Copyright (C) 2014 tinfoil <>
# This file is a part of pylivemaker.
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
# version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
# this program. If not, see <>.
"""LiveMaker LiveNovel LNS script classes."""

import enum
import os
import re
import _markupbase
from bisect import bisect

import construct

from loguru import logger

from lxml import etree

from .core import BaseSerializable, LiveParser
from ..exceptions import BadLnsError, InvalidCharError
from .translate import BaseTranslatable

[docs]class LNSTag(enum.Enum): a = "A" br = "BR" clr = "CLR" condition = "CONDITION" div = "DIV" event = "EVENT" histchar = "HISTCHAR" indent = "INDENT" img = "IMG" pg = "PG" ps = "PS" scenario = "SCENARIO" style = "STYLE" txspd = "TXSPD" txspf = "TXSPF" txspn = "TXSPN" txsps = "TXSPS" undent = "UNDENT" var = "VAR"
[docs] @classmethod def open(cls, tag, attributes={}): out = ["<{}".format(tag.value)] if attributes: out.append(" {}".format(" ".join(['{}="{}"'.format(k, v) for k, v in attributes.items()]))) out.append(">") return "".join(out)
[docs] @classmethod def close(cls, tag): return "</{}>".format(tag.value)
[docs]class AlignEnum(enum.IntEnum): """Horizontal or vertical alignment. Original script tags have separate possible values for horizontal/vertical alignment depending on the tag, but internally LM handles them all as a single enum type when compiled into a binary script. Note: When translating scripts, users should be aware that pylivemaker will accept all possible alignment values for any tags that take "ALIGN" attributes, but LM behavior may be undefined depending on specific tag/alignment combinations. Refer to the official LiveNovel documentation for information on which tags horizontal (L/C/R) alignment values and which tags take vertical (T/C/B) values. """ LEFT = 1 RIGHT = 2 CENTER = 3 TOP = 4 BOTTOM = 5
[docs]class BreakType(enum.IntEnum): """Break type.""" LINE = 0 PAGE = 1 PAUSE = 2 CLEAR = 3
[docs]class TWdType(enum.IntEnum): """LiveNovel script word (entry) type.""" TWdChar = 0x01 TWdOpeDiv = 0x02 TWdOpeReturn = 0x03 TWdOpeIndent = 0x04 TWdOpeUndent = 0x05 TWdOpeEvent = 0x06 TWdOpeVar = 0x07 TWdImg = 0x09 TWdOpeHistChar = 0x0A
[docs]class BaseTWdGlyph(BaseSerializable): """Base TWd Glyph type. A TWdGlyph is a single glyph or entry in a compiled LiveNovel script. A tag from LiveNovel's documented "HTML-like" scenario script format can generally be mapped to a TWdGlyph subclass. Args: Condition (int): Index for the condition to be applied to this glyph """ type = None _struct_fields = construct.Struct( # Note: LiveMaker's parser for TWdGlyph has a conditional to only read # this field if their condition obj pointer is non-null, but as far as # I can tell, for our purposes it will always be non-null? "condition" / construct.If(construct.this._._.version >= 104, construct.Int32sl), ) def __init__(self, condition=None, **kwargs): self._keys = set(("type", "condition")) self.condition = condition def __str__(self): return "<{}>".format(repr(self)) def __repr__(self): return "{}({})".format( type(self).__name__, ", ".join(["{}={}".format(k, getattr(self, k)) for k in self._keys]) ) def __iter__(self): return iter(self.items()) def __getitem__(self, key): if key in self._keys: v = getattr(self, key) if isinstance(v, enum.Enum): v = return v raise KeyError
[docs] def keys(self): return list(self._keys)
[docs] def items(self): return [(k, self[k]) for k in self.keys()]
[docs] def to_lsc(self): raise NotImplementedError("TWd glyph serialization must be done in parent TpWord block.")
[docs] def to_xml(self): raise NotImplementedError("TWd glyph serialization must be done in parent TpWord block.")
@classmethod def _struct(cls): """Return a construct Struct for this TWd type.""" return construct.Struct( "type" / construct.Const(, construct.Enum(construct.Byte, TWdType)), construct.Embedded(cls._struct_fields), # construct.Probe(), )
[docs] @classmethod def lns_escape(self, s): for i, j in [("\\", "\\\\"), ("<", "\\<"), (">", "\\>"), ("{", "\\{"), ("}", "\\}"), ('"', '\\"')]: s = s.replace(i, j) return s
[docs]class BaseTWdReal(BaseTWdGlyph): """Base class for TWdReal types. Args: link_name (str): Name of referenced link for this glyph. Used in LNScript version < 105. link (int): Index of referenced link for this glyph. Used in LNScript version >= 105. text_speed (int): Text display speed for this glyph. """ # BaseTWdReal is an abstract type and is always used via a subclass type = None _struct_fields = construct.Struct( construct.Embedded(BaseTWdGlyph._struct_fields), "link_name" / construct.If(construct.this._._.version < 105, construct.PascalString(construct.Int32ul, "cp932")), "link" / construct.If(construct.this._._.version >= 105, construct.Int32sl), "text_speed" / construct.Int32ul, ) def __init__(self, link_name=None, link=None, text_speed=0, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self._keys.update(("link_name", "link", "text_speed")) self.link_name = link_name = link self.text_speed = text_speed
class _TWdCharAdapter(construct.Adapter): # construct PaddedString only supports ascii and utf encodings def _decode(self, obj, ctx, path): ch = obj.to_bytes(2, byteorder="big").decode("cp932") if ch.startswith("\x00"): ch = ch[1] return ch def _encode(self, obj, ctx, path): return int.from_bytes(obj.encode("cp932"), byteorder="big")
[docs]class TWdChar(BaseTWdReal): """An individual CP932 encoded character. All text in a LiveNovel script is compiled into runs of TWdChar glyphs. Args: ch (str): The character. decorator (int): Index of the decorator (style) to be applied to this character. """ type = TWdType.TWdChar _struct_fields = construct.Struct( construct.Embedded(BaseTWdReal._struct_fields), "ch" / _TWdCharAdapter(construct.Int16ul), "decorator" / construct.Int32sl, ) def __init__(self, ch="", decorator=0, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) try: ch.encode("cp932") except UnicodeEncodeError: raise InvalidCharError(ch) self._keys.update(("ch", "decorator")) = ch self.decorator = decorator def __str__(self): return
[docs] def match(self, other): """Return True if these two characters can be grouped into one text run.""" if not isinstance(other, TWdChar): return False for k in self._keys: if k == "ch": continue if getattr(self, k) != getattr(other, k): return False return True
[docs]class TWdOpeDiv(BaseTWdGlyph): """Specify div (row) attributes. Args: align (int): Horizontal alignment. padleft (int): Left padding. padright (int): Right padding. noheight (int): TRUE if this line has no height (the next line will be drawn at the same y-coordiante as this one). """ type = TWdType.TWdOpeDiv _struct_fields = construct.Struct( construct.Embedded(BaseTWdGlyph._struct_fields), "align" / construct.Byte, "padleft" / construct.If(construct.this._._.version >= 105, construct.Int32sl), "padright" / construct.If(construct.this._._.version >= 105, construct.Int32sl), "noheight" / construct.If(construct.this._._.version >= 105, construct.Byte), ) def __init__(self, align=0, padleft=0, padright=0, noheight=0, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self._keys.update(("align", "padleft", "padright", "noheight")) self.align = int(align or 0) self.padleft = int(padleft or 0) self.padright = int(padright or 0) self.noheight = int(noheight or 0) def __str__(self): attrs = { "ALIGN": AlignEnum(self.align).name, "PADLEFT": self.padleft, "PADRIGHT": self.padright, "NOHEIGHT": self.noheight, } return, attrs)
[docs]class TWdOpeReturn(BaseTWdGlyph): """Insert a line or page break. Args: break_type (int): Break type. """ type = TWdType.TWdOpeReturn _struct_fields = construct.Struct( construct.Embedded(BaseTWdGlyph._struct_fields), "break_type" / construct.Byte, ) def __init__(self, break_type=0, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self._keys.add("break_type") self.break_type = int(break_type) def __str__(self): break_type = BreakType(self.break_type) if break_type == BreakType.LINE: # new line tag = elif break_type == BreakType.PAGE: # new page tag = elif break_type == BreakType.PAUSE: # TODO: verify this # pause for mouse click tag = else: # TODO: verify this tag = LNSTag.clr return
[docs]class TWdOpeIndent(BaseTWdGlyph): """Increase indent level.""" type = TWdType.TWdOpeIndent def __str__(self): return
[docs]class TWdOpeUndent(BaseTWdGlyph): """Decrease indent level.""" type = TWdType.TWdOpeUndent def __str__(self): return
[docs]class TWdOpeEvent(BaseTWdGlyph): """Run the specified event. Args: event (str): Event name and arguments. """ type = TWdType.TWdOpeEvent _struct_fields = construct.Struct( construct.Embedded(BaseTWdGlyph._struct_fields), "event" / construct.PascalString(construct.Int32ul, "cp932"), ) def __init__(self, event="", **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self._keys.add("event") self.event = event def __str__(self): event = self.event.split("\r\n") e = event[0] args = event[1:] if e.startswith("\x01"): # System event e = e[1:] if args: args = " {}".format(" ".join(['"{}"'.format(x) for x in args])) else: args = "" return "{{{0}{1}}}".format(e, args) return, {"VALUE": "\\r\\n".join([e] + args)}) @property def _parts(self): return self.event.split("\r\n") @property def name(self): name = self._parts[0] if self.is_system(name): return name[1:] return name @property def args(self): return[1:]
[docs] @staticmethod def is_system(name): return name.startswith("\x01")
[docs]class TWdOpeVar(BaseTWdGlyph): """Insert the value of the specified variable. Args: decorator (int): Index of the decorator to be applied to this text unk3: Unknown. link_name: Name of the link to be applied to this glyph. Used in LN scenario script versions 100 to 104 (inclusive). link: Index of the link to be applied to this glyph. Used in LN scenario script version > 104. var_name_params (:class:`LiveParser`): Variable name. Used in LN scenario script version < 102. var_name (str): Variable name. Used in LN scenario script version >= 102. """ type = TWdType.TWdOpeVar _struct_fields = construct.Struct( construct.Embedded(BaseTWdGlyph._struct_fields), "decorator" / construct.Int32sl, "unk3" / construct.If(construct.this._._.version >= 100, construct.Int32ul), "link_name" / construct.If(100 <= construct.this._._.version < 105, construct.PascalString(construct.Int32ul, "cp932")), "link" / construct.If(construct.this._._.version >= 105, construct.Int32sl), "var_name_params" / construct.If(construct.this._._.version < 102, LiveParser._struct()), "var_name" / construct.If(construct.this._._.version >= 102, construct.PascalString(construct.Int32ul, "cp932")), ) def __init__( self, decorator=0, unk3=None, link_name=None, link=None, var_name_params=None, var_name=None, **kwargs ): super().__init__(**kwargs) self._keys.update(("decorator", "unk3", "link_name", "link", "var_name_params", "var_name")) self.decorator = decorator self.unk3 = unk3 self.link_name = link_name = link if isinstance(var_name_params, construct.Container): var_name_params = LiveParser.from_struct(var_name_params) self.var_name_params = var_name_params self.var_name = var_name def __str__(self): return, {"NAME": self.lns_escape(, "unk3": self.unk3}) @property def name(self): """Return the variable name for this object.""" if self.var_name is not None: return self.var_name elif self.var_name_params is not None: return str(self.var_name_params) return ""
[docs]class TWdImg(BaseTWdReal): """Display an image in the text box. Args: src (str): Dispaly image. align (int): Vertical alignment. hoversrc (str): Image to display on mouse hover. mgnleft (int): Left margin in pixels. mgnright (int): Right margin in pixels. mgntop (int): Top margin in pixels. mgnbottom (int): Bottom margin in pixels. downsrc (str): Image to display on mouse click. Note: This displays the image inline with text, and is not the same thing as displaying a CG. One use case is to insert icons for replaying sounds into the history backlogger. """ type = TWdType.TWdImg _struct_fields = construct.Struct( construct.Embedded(BaseTWdReal._struct_fields), "src" / construct.PascalString(construct.Int32ul, "cp932"), "align" / construct.Byte, "hoversrc" / construct.If(construct.this._._.version >= 103, construct.PascalString(construct.Int32ul, "cp932")), "mgnleft" / construct.If( construct.this._._.version >= 105, construct.Int32sl, ), "mgnright" / construct.If( construct.this._._.version >= 105, construct.Int32sl, ), "mgntop" / construct.If( construct.this._._.version >= 105, construct.Int32sl, ), "mgnbottom" / construct.If( construct.this._._.version >= 105, construct.Int32sl, ), "downsrc" / construct.If(construct.this._._.version >= 105, construct.PascalString(construct.Int32ul, "cp932")), ) def __init__( self, src="", align=0, hoversrc="", mgnleft=0, mgnright=0, mgntop=0, mgnbottom=0, downsrc="", **kwargs ): super().__init__(**kwargs) self._keys.update(("src", "align", "hoversrc", "mgnleft", "mgnright", "mgntop", "mgnbottom", "downsrc")) self.src = src self.align = int(align) self.hoversrc = hoversrc if mgnleft is None: mgnleft = 0 self.mgnleft = int(mgnleft) if mgnright is None: mgnright = 0 self.mgnright = int(mgnright) if mgntop is None: mgntop = 0 self.mgntop = int(mgntop) if mgnbottom is None: mgnbottom = 0 self.mgnbottom = int(mgnbottom) self.downsrc = downsrc def __str__(self): attrs = { "SRC": self.src, "HOVERSRC": self.hoversrc, "DOWNSRC": self.downsrc, "ALIGN": AlignEnum(self.align).name, "MGNLEFT": self.mgnleft, "MGNRIGHT": self.mgnright, "MGNTOP": self.mgntop, "MGNBOTTOM": self.mgnbottom, } return, attrs)
[docs]class TWdOpeHistChar(TWdOpeVar): """Display the value of a variable in history only.""" type = TWdType.TWdOpeHistChar def __str__(self): return, {"NAME": self.lns_escape(, "unk3": self.unk3})
_twd_classes = {x: globals()[] for x in TWdType} _twd_structs = [globals()[]._struct() for x in TWdType]
[docs]class TDecorate(BaseSerializable): """Text decorator (font styling) to apply to a glyph. Font tags from an original script are replaced with references to an entry in the font/style table for this LiveMaker game when compiling to LSB. Args: count: The total number of TWd glyphs affected by this decorator. """ def __init__( self, count=0, unk2=0, unk3=0, unk4=0, unk5=0, unk6=0, unk7=0, unk8="", ruby="", unk10=0, unk11=0, **kwargs ): self.count = count self.unk2 = unk2 self.unk3 = unk3 self.unk4 = unk4 self.unk5 = unk5 self.unk6 = unk6 self.unk7 = unk7 self.unk8 = unk8 self.ruby = ruby self.unk10 = unk10 self.unk11 = unk11 def __iter__(self): return iter(self.items()) def __getitem__(self, key): if key in self.keys(): return getattr(self, key) raise KeyError def __str__(self): return "TDecorate({})".format(", ".join(["{}={}".format(k, v) for k, v in self.items()]))
[docs] def keys(self): return ["count", "unk2", "unk3", "unk4", "unk5", "unk6", "unk7", "unk8", "ruby", "unk10", "unk11"]
[docs] def items(self): return [(k, self[k]) for k in self.keys()]
[docs] def to_lsc(self): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def to_xml(self): raise NotImplementedError
@classmethod def _struct(cls): return construct.Struct( "count" / construct.Int32ul, "unk2" / construct.Int32ul, "unk3" / construct.Int32ul, "unk4" / construct.Int32ul, "unk5" / construct.Byte, "unk6" / construct.Byte, "unk7" / construct.IfThenElse(construct.this._._.version < 100, construct.Byte, construct.Int32ul), "unk8" / construct.PascalString(construct.Int32ul, "cp932"), "ruby" / construct.PascalString(construct.Int32ul, "cp932"), "unk10" / construct.If( construct.this._._.version >= 100, construct.Int32ul, ), "unk11" / construct.If( construct.this._._.version >= 100, construct.Int32ul, ), )
[docs]class TWdCondition(BaseSerializable): """Text display conditions. Display condition for a glyph determines things like whether or not it will be only displayed the history backlogger. Args: count: The total number of TWd glyphs affected by this condition. target: Target message box (i.e. history message box). """ def __init__(self, count=0, target="", **kwargs): self.count = count = target def __str__(self): return "TWdCondition({})".format(", ".join(["{}={}".format(k, v) for k, v in self.items()])) def __iter__(self): return iter(self.items()) def __getitem__(self, key): if key in self.keys(): return getattr(self, key) raise KeyError
[docs] def keys(self): return ["count", "target"]
[docs] def items(self): return [(k, self[k]) for k in self.keys()]
[docs] def to_lsc(self): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def to_xml(self): raise NotImplementedError
@classmethod def _struct(cls): return construct.Struct( "count" / construct.Int32ul, "target" / construct.PascalString(construct.Int32ul, "cp932"), )
class _TpWordVersionAdapter(construct.Adapter): # TpWord version is an integer converted to a 3-byte (3-digit) string def _decode(self, obj, ctx, path): return int(obj) def _encode(self, obj, ctx, path): return "{:03}".format(obj).encode("ascii")
[docs]class TpWord(BaseSerializable): """Compiled LiveNovel scenario script. Args: version (int): LiveNovel scenario script version. decorators (list(:class:)`TDecorate`)): List of decorators (text styles) used in this script. conditions (list(:class:`TWdCondition`)): List of conditions used in this script. links (list(:class:`TWdLink`)): List of links used in this script. body (list(:class:`BaseTWdGlyph`))): Compiled script text body. Note: LiveNovel scenario script version is independent of LiveMaker (command) script version. """ def __init__(self, version=0, decorators=[], conditions=[], links=[], body=[], **kwargs): self.version = version if isinstance(decorators, construct.ListContainer): decorators = [TDecorate.from_struct(x) for x in decorators] self.decorators = decorators if isinstance(conditions, construct.ListContainer): conditions = [TWdCondition.from_struct(x) for x in conditions] self.conditions = conditions if isinstance(links, construct.ListContainer): links = [TWdLink.from_struct(x) for x in links] self.links = links if isinstance(body, construct.ListContainer): self._body = [] for x in body: if isinstance(x, int): self._body.append(x) else: self._body.append(_twd_classes[TWdType(int(x.type))].from_struct(x)) else: self._body = body def __iter__(self): return iter(self.items()) def __getitem__(self, key): if key in self.keys(): return getattr(self, key) raise KeyError
[docs] def keys(self): return ["version", "decorators", "conditions", "links", "body"]
[docs] def items(self): return [(k, self[k]) for k in self.keys()]
[docs] def to_lsc(self): dec = LNSDecompiler(sep="") return dec.decompile(self)
[docs] def to_xml(self): dec = LNSDecompiler() xml = dec.decompile(self) if "\x01" in xml: logger.warning("Removing illegal xml char \\x01") xml = xml.replace("\x01", "*") return etree.CDATA(xml)
@classmethod def _struct(cls): # Note: LiveMaker's parser silently ignores invalid TWdType's, # so use Byte as the last Select() option to do the same thing select_subcons = _twd_structs select_subcons.append(construct.Byte) return construct.Struct( "signature" / construct.Const(b"TpWord"), "version" / _TpWordVersionAdapter(construct.Bytes(3)), "decorators" / construct.PrefixedArray(construct.Int32ul, TDecorate._struct()), "conditions" / construct.If( construct.this.version >= 104, construct.PrefixedArray(construct.Int32ul, TWdCondition._struct()), ), "links" / construct.If( construct.this.version >= 105, construct.PrefixedArray(construct.Int32ul, TWdLink._struct()), ), "body" / construct.PrefixedArray(construct.Int32ul, construct.Select(*select_subcons)), )
[docs] @classmethod def from_struct(cls, struct): d = {k: v for k, v in struct.items()} if struct.decorators is not None: d["decorators"] = [TDecorate.from_struct(x) for x in struct.decorators] if struct.conditions is not None: d["conditions"] = [TWdCondition.from_struct(x) for x in struct.conditions] if struct.links is not None: d["links"] = [TWdLink.from_struct(x) for x in struct.links] body = [] for x in struct.body: if isinstance(x, int): body.append(x) else: body.append(_twd_classes[TWdType(int(x.type))].from_struct(x)) d["body"] = body return cls(**d)
@property def body(self): return self._body
[docs] def replace_body(self, body, ruby_text=None): """Replace the current text block body with a new one. Updates the appropriate character counts as needed. Args: body (list(:class:`TWdGlyph`)): The new body. This should generally be a script body compiled via `LNSCompiler.compile()`. ruby_text (dict): Optional dict mapping {decorator_id: text}. If provided, the ruby entry for the specified decorator will be replaced. Raises: `BadLnsError`: If the new script body is invalid for this TpWord block (for example, if it references a decorator that does not exist). """ decorator_counts = [0] * len(self.decorators) if self.conditions is not None: condition_counts = [0] * len(self.conditions) if self.links is not None: link_counts = [0] * len(self.links) for i, wd in enumerate(body): try: if hasattr(wd, "decorator") and wd.decorator is not None: decorator_counts[wd.decorator] += 1 except IndexError: raise BadLnsError("TWd #{} ({}) references a decorator that does not exist.".format(i, wd)) try: if self.conditions is not None: if hasattr(wd, "condition") and wd.condition is not None: condition_counts[wd.condition] += 1 except IndexError: raise BadLnsError("TWd #{} ({}) references a condition that does not exist.".format(i, wd)) try: if self.links is not None: if hasattr(wd, "link") and is not None: link_counts[] += 1 except IndexError: raise BadLnsError("TWd #{} ({}) references a condition that does not exist.".format(i, wd)) # TODO: not sure how old scripts which use link_name use the count # field, implement this if/when someone finds an example. if hasattr(wd, "link_name") and wd.link_name: raise NotImplementedError( "Inserting scripts from LM versions which use link_name is not supported," " please file a bug report." ) self._body = body for i, dec in enumerate(self.decorators): dec.count = decorator_counts[i] if self.conditions is not None: for i, cond in enumerate(self.conditions): cond.count = condition_counts[i] if self.links is not None: for i, link in enumerate(self.links): link.count = link_counts[i] if ruby_text: warned = False for id_, text in ruby_text.items(): try: dec = self.decorators[id_] except IndexError: raise BadLnsError(f"Ruby text entry {id_} references a decorator that does not exist.") if dec.ruby != text: if not warned: logger.warning("Ruby text support is experimental") warned = True dec.ruby = text
[docs] def get_text_blocks(self): """Return :class:`LNSText` blocks for this TpWord.""" return LNSText.from_tpword(self)
[docs] def replace_text_blocks(self, blocks, strict=True): """Replace text blocks for this TpWord with the contents of ``blocks``. Args: blocks (:class:`LNSText`): Replacement blocks. ``blocks`` should be an object previously returned by `get_text_blocks()` (but with modified text). strict (bool): If True, `BadLnsError` will be raised if ``blocks`` contains blocks with Blake2 digests which do not match the current TpWord. """ new_body = self.body[:] if strict and blocks != self.get_text_blocks(): raise BadLnsError("Replacement blocks do not match this TpWord.") # iterate in reverse so we can use slice assignment for block in reversed(blocks): start = block.start # use style/cond/link/etc values for initial char start_ch = new_body[start] d = {} for attr in ("decorator", "text_speed", "link_name", "link", "condition"): d[attr] = getattr(start_ch, attr, None) new_block = [] for ch in block.text: if ch == "\n": new_ch = TWdOpeReturn(**d) else: new_ch = TWdChar(ch=ch, **d) new_block.append(new_ch) new_body[block.start : block.end] = new_block self.replace_body(new_body)
[docs]class LNSDecompiler(object): """Attempt to decompile a TpWord text block into something that resembles LiveMaker's LiveNovel scenario script format. Args: sep (str): Output line separator (defaults to ``os.linesep``). include_comments (bool): Include comment lines in output. text_only (bool): Output text only (all tags will be removed except for variable names). Raises: ValueError: If `tpword` is not a :class:`TpWord` instance. """ def __init__(self, sep=os.linesep, include_comments=True, text_only=False): self.sep = sep self.include_comments = include_comments self.text_only = text_only self._reset() def _reset(self): # reset decompiler state self._lines = [] self._line = [] self._condition = 0 self._decorator = 0 self._link = 0 self._link_name = "" self._text_speed = None self._div = False self._need_endl = False def _header(self): lines = [] if self.include_comments: lines.append(";pylm") # TODO: ideally find font table and actually label styles properly if self.tpword.decorators is not None: lines.append("; Font styles:") for i, x in enumerate(self.tpword.decorators): lines.append("; {:4}: {}".format(i, x)) if self.tpword.conditions is not None: lines.append("; Display conditions:") for i, x in enumerate(self.tpword.conditions): lines.append("; {:4}: {}".format(i, x)) if self.tpword.links is not None: lines.append("; Links:") for i, x in enumerate(self.tpword.links): lines.append("; {:4}: {}".format(i, x)) lines.extend( [ ";---------------------------------------", "; BEGIN DECOMPILED SCRIPT", ";---------------------------------------", ] ) lines.append(, {"VER": self.tpword.version})) return lines def _endl(self): # end line self._lines.append("".join(self._line)) self._line = [] self._need_endl = False def _check_cond(self, w): if hasattr(w, "condition"): if w.condition != self._condition: if self._line: self.endl() self._condition = w.condition if self._condition is not None: self._line.append(, {"ID": self._condition})) self._endl() def _close_decorator(self): if self._decorator: self._line.append(LNSTag.close( self._decorator = 0 def _check_decorator(self, w): if hasattr(w, "decorator"): if w.decorator != self._decorator: self._close_link() self._close_decorator() if self._need_endl: self._endl() self._decorator = w.decorator if self._decorator: attrs = {"ID": self._decorator} dec = self.tpword.decorators[self._decorator] ruby = dec.get("ruby") if ruby: attrs["RUBY"] = ruby self._line.append(, attrs)) else: self._close_link() self._close_decorator() def _close_link(self): if self._link or self._link_name: self._line.append(LNSTag.close(LNSTag.a)) self._link = 0 self._link_name = "" def _check_link(self, w): if hasattr(w, "link") and is not None: if != self._link: self._close_link() if self._need_endl: self._endl() self._link = if self._link: self._line.append(, {"ID": self._link})) elif hasattr(w, "link_name") and w.link_name is not None: if w.link_name != self._link_name: self._close_link() if self._need_endl: self._endl() self._link_name = w.link_name if self._link_name: self._line.append(, {"NAME": self._link_name})) else: self._close_link() def _check_spd(self, w): if hasattr(w, "text_speed") and w.text_speed is not None: if w.text_speed != self._text_speed: self._text_speed = w.text_speed if self._text_speed == 0: # instant self._line.append( elif self._text_speed == 50: # normal self._line.append( elif self._text_speed == 300: # slow self._line.append( else: self._line.append(, {"TIME": self._text_speed})) def _close_div(self): if self._div: self._close_link() self._close_decorator() if self._line: self._endl() self._line.append(LNSTag.close(LNSTag.div)) self._endl() def _decompile_full(self, tpword): self._reset() self.tpword = tpword self._lines.extend(self._header()) for w in tpword.body: # Tag nesting should always follow: # <div> # <decorator> # <link> # </link # </decorator> # </div> # # note: condition is not a nested tag, it just replaces the # previous condition state for all objects self._check_cond(w) if w.type == TWdType.TWdOpeDiv: # link/decorator closed in _close_div() if needed self._close_div() # tag gets its own line self._lines.append(str(w)) self._div = True self._check_decorator(w) self._check_link(w) if self._need_endl: self._endl() self._check_spd(w) if w.type == TWdType.TWdChar: self._line.append(str( elif w.type == TWdType.TWdOpeDiv: pass # already handled elif w.type == TWdType.TWdOpeReturn: self._line.append(str(w)) self._need_endl = True elif w.type == TWdType.TWdOpeIndent: self._line.append(str(w)) elif w.type == TWdType.TWdOpeUndent: self._line.append(str(w)) elif w.type == TWdType.TWdOpeEvent: if self._line: self._endl() # tag gets its own line self._lines.append(str(w)) elif w.type == TWdType.TWdOpeVar: self._line.append(str(w)) elif w.type == TWdType.TWdImg: self._line.append(str(w)) elif w.type == TWdType.TWdOpeHistChar: if self._line: self._endl() # tag gets its own line self._lines.append(str(w)) else: raise NotImplementedError if self._line: self._endl() if self.include_comments: self._lines.extend( [ ";---------------------------------------", "; END DECOMPILED SCRIPT", ";---------------------------------------", ] ) return self.sep.join(self._lines)
[docs] def decompile(self, tpword): """Decompile the specified TpWord scenario script. Args: tpword (:class:`TpWord`): TpWord object to decompile. """ if self.text_only: self._reset() for w in tpword.body: if w.type == TWdType.TWdChar: self._line.append(str( elif w.type == TWdType.TWdOpeReturn: self._endl() elif w.type == TWdType.TWdOpeVar: self._line.append(str(w)) elif w.type == TWdType.TWdOpeHistChar: if self._line: self._endl() # tag gets its own line self._lines.append(str(w)) if self._line: self._endl() return self.sep.join(self._lines) else: return self._decompile_full(tpword)
# Regular expressions used for parsing interesting_normal = re.compile(r"(?<!\\)[<{]") incomplete = re.compile("&[a-zA-Z#]") entityref = re.compile("&([a-zA-Z][-.a-zA-Z0-9]*)[^a-zA-Z0-9]") charref = re.compile("&#(?:[0-9]+|[xX][0-9a-fA-F]+)[^0-9a-fA-F]") starttagopen = re.compile("[<{][a-zA-Z]") piclose = re.compile(r"(?<!\\)[>}]") commentclose = re.compile(r"--\s*>") # Note: # 1) if you change tagfind/attrfind remember to update locatestarttagend too; # 2) if you change tagfind/attrfind and/or locatestarttagend the parser will # explode, so don't do it. # see # and tagfind_tolerant = re.compile(r"([a-zA-Z][^\t\n\r\f />}\x00]*)(?:\s|/(?![>}]))*") attrfind_event_strict = re.compile(r'((?:")([^"]*)(?:"))(?:\s|/(?![>}]))*') attrfind_tolerant = re.compile( r'((?<=["\s/])[^\s/>}][^\s/=>}]*)(\s*=+\s*' r'("[^"\\]*(?:\\.[^"\\]*)*"|(?!["])[^>\s]*))?(?:\s|/(?![>}]))*' ) locatestarttagend_tolerant = re.compile( r""" (?<!\\)[<{][a-zA-Z][^\t\n\r\f />}\x00]* # tag name (?:[\s/]* # optional whitespace before attribute name (?:(?<=['"\s/])[^\s/>}][^\s/=>}]* # attribute name (?:\s*=+\s* # value indicator (?:'[^']*' # LITA-enclosed value |"[^"]*" # LIT-enclosed value |(?!['"])[^>}\s]* # bare value ) (?:\s*,)* # possibly followed by a comma )?(?:\s|/(?![>}]))* )* )? \s* # trailing whitespace """, re.VERBOSE, ) endendtag = re.compile(">") # the HTML 5 spec, section, doesn't allow spaces between # </ and the tag name, so maybe this should be fixed endtagfind = re.compile(r"</\s*([a-zA-Z][-.a-zA-Z0-9:_]*)\s*>")
[docs]class LNSCompiler(_markupbase.ParserBase): """Attempt to compile a LiveNovel LNS script into a TpWord block. Based on Python3 html.parser.HTMLParser. Note: This is only intended to be used to compile scripts which have been decompiled by pylivemaker and then translated/edited for patching. Attempting to compile a script which was not initially generated by pylivemaker may not work as intended. """ # Most LNS tags don't have matching </tag> end tags END_TAGS = (,, def __init__(self): self.reset()
[docs] def reset(self): """Reset this instance. Loses all unprocessed data.""" self.rawdata = "" self.lasttag = "???" self.interesting = interesting_normal _markupbase.ParserBase.reset(self) self.condition = 0 self.decorator = 0 self.text_speed = 50 = 0 self.link_name = "" self.tpword_body = [] self.version = 0 self.ruby_text = {}
[docs] def compile(self, script): """Compile a [decompiled] script into a TpWord block. Args: script (str): Script data """ if not script.startswith(";pylm"): logger.warning("Attempting to compile script which was not generated by pylivemaker.") for line in script.splitlines(): if not line.startswith(";"): self.feed(line) return self.tpword_body
[docs] def feed(self, data): r"""Feed data to the parser. Call this as often as you want, with as little or as much text as you want (may include '\n'). """ self.rawdata = self.rawdata + data self.goahead(0)
[docs] def close(self): """Handle any buffered data.""" self.goahead(1)
__starttag_text = None
[docs] def get_starttag_text(self): """Return full source of start tag: '<...>'.""" return self.__starttag_text
# Internal -- handle data as far as reasonable. May leave state # and data to be processed by a subsequent call. If 'end' is # true, force handling all data as if followed by EOF marker.
[docs] def goahead(self, end): rawdata = self.rawdata i = 0 n = len(rawdata) while i < n: match =, i) # < or { if match: j = match.start() else: j = n if i < j: self.handle_data(self.unescape(rawdata[i:j])) i = self.updatepos(i, j) if i == n: break startswith = rawdata.startswith if startswith("<", i) or startswith("{", i): if starttagopen.match(rawdata, i): # < + letter k = self.parse_starttag(i) elif startswith("</", i): k = self.parse_endtag(i) elif (i + 1) < n: if startswith("{}"): # empty system event self.handle_eventtag("", []) k = i + 2 else: logger.warning("got < or { at end of line") self.handle_data("<") k = i + 1 else: break if k < 0: if not end: break k = rawdata.find(">", i + 1) if k < 0: k = rawdata.find("<", i + 1) if k < 0: k = i + 1 else: k += 1 self.handle_data(self.unescape(rawdata[i:k])) i = self.updatepos(i, k) else: assert 0, " lied" # end while if end and i < n: self.handle_data(self.unescape(rawdata[i:n])) i = self.updatepos(i, n) self.rawdata = rawdata[i:]
# Internal -- handle starttag, return end or -1 if not terminated
[docs] def parse_starttag(self, i): self.__starttag_text = None endpos = self.check_for_whole_start_tag(i) if endpos < 0: return endpos rawdata = self.rawdata self.__starttag_text = rawdata[i:endpos] # Now parse the data between i+1 and j into a tag and attrs attrs = [] match = tagfind_tolerant.match(rawdata, i + 1) assert match, "unexpected call to parse_starttag()" k = match.end() self.lasttag = tag = while k < endpos: if rawdata[i:endpos].startswith("{"): m = attrfind_event_strict.match(rawdata, k) if not m: break attrname = attrs.append(attrname) k = m.end() else: m = attrfind_tolerant.match(rawdata, k) if not m: break attrname, rest, attrvalue =, 2, 3) if not rest: attrvalue = None elif attrvalue[:1] == "'" == attrvalue[-1:] or attrvalue[:1] == '"' == attrvalue[-1:]: attrvalue = attrvalue[1:-1] if attrvalue: attrvalue = self.unescape(attrvalue) attrs.append((attrname, attrvalue)) k = m.end() end = rawdata[k:endpos].strip() if end not in (">", "/>", "}"): lineno, offset = self.getpos() if "\n" in self.__starttag_text: lineno = lineno + self.__starttag_text.count("\n") offset = len(self.__starttag_text) - self.__starttag_text.rfind("\n") else: offset = offset + len(self.__starttag_text) self.handle_data(rawdata[i:endpos]) return endpos if end.endswith("}"): self.handle_eventtag(tag, attrs) elif tag.lower() not in self.END_TAGS: self.handle_startendtag(tag, attrs) else: self.handle_starttag(tag, attrs) return endpos
# Internal -- check to see if we have a complete starttag; return end # or -1 if incomplete.
[docs] def check_for_whole_start_tag(self, i): rawdata = self.rawdata m = locatestarttagend_tolerant.match(rawdata, i) if m: j = m.end() next = rawdata[j : j + 1] if next == ">" or next == "}": return j + 1 if next == "/": if rawdata.startswith("/>", j): return j + 2 if rawdata.startswith("/", j): # buffer boundary return -1 # else bogus input if j > i: return j else: return i + 1 if next == "": # end of input return -1 if next in ("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz=/" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"): # end of input in or before attribute value, or we have the # '/' from a '/>' ending return -1 if j > i: return j else: return i + 1 raise AssertionError("we should not get here!")
# Internal -- parse endtag, return end or -1 if incomplete
[docs] def parse_endtag(self, i): rawdata = self.rawdata assert rawdata[i : i + 2] == "</", "unexpected call to parse_endtag" match =, i + 1) # > if not match: return -1 gtpos = match.end() match = endtagfind.match(rawdata, i) # </ + tag + > if not match: # find the name: namematch = tagfind_tolerant.match(rawdata, i + 2) if not namematch: # if rawdata[i : i + 3] == "</>": return i + 3 else: return self.parse_bogus_comment(i) tagname = # consume and ignore other stuff between the name and the > # Note: this is not 100% correct, since we might have things like # </tag attr=">">, but looking for > after tha name should cover # most of the cases and is much simpler gtpos = rawdata.find(">", namematch.end()) self.handle_endtag(tagname) return gtpos + 1 elem = # script or style self.handle_endtag(elem) return gtpos
[docs] def handle_eventtag(self, tag, attrs): event = ["\x01{}".format(tag)] for arg in attrs: event.append(arg.strip('"')) self.tpword_body.append( TWdOpeEvent( event="\r\n".join(event), decorator=self.decorator, text_speed=self.text_speed, link_name=self.link_name,, condition=self.condition, ) )
[docs] def handle_startendtag(self, tag, attrs): self.handle_starttag(tag, attrs) self.handle_endtag(tag)
[docs] def handle_starttag(self, tag, attrs): tag = LNSTag[tag.lower()] attrs = {k: v for k, v in attrs} d = { "decorator": self.decorator, "text_speed": self.text_speed, "link_name": self.link_name, "link":, "condition": self.condition, } if tag == LNSTag.a: = int(attrs.get("ID", 0)) self.link_name = attrs.get("NAME", "") elif tag == d["break_type"] = 0 self.tpword_body.append(TWdOpeReturn(**d)) elif tag == LNSTag.clr: d["break_type"] = 4 self.tpword_body.append(TWdOpeReturn(**d)) elif tag == LNSTag.condition: self.condition = int(attrs.get("ID", 0)) elif tag == LNSTag.div: d["align"] = AlignEnum[attrs.get("ALIGN", "LEFT")].value d["padleft"] = int(attrs.get("PADLEFT", 0)) d["padright"] = int(attrs.get("PADRIGHT", 0)) d["noheight"] = int(attrs.get("NOHEIGHT", 0)) self.tpword_body.append(TWdOpeDiv(**d)) elif tag == LNSTag.event: event = attrs.get("VALUE", "").split("\\r\\n") d["event"] = "\r\n".join(event) self.tpword_body.append(TWdOpeEvent(**d)) elif tag == LNSTag.histchar: d["var_name"] = attrs.get("NAME", "") d["unk3"] = int(attrs.get("unk3", 0)) self.tpword_body.append(TWdOpeHistChar(**d)) elif tag == LNSTag.indent: self.tpword_body.append(TWdOpeIndent(**d)) elif tag == LNSTag.img: if "ALIGN" in attrs: attrs["ALIGN"] = AlignEnum[attrs["ALIGN"]].value for k in attrs: d[k.lower()] = attrs[k] self.tpword_body.append(TWdImg(**d)) elif tag == d["break_type"] = 1 self.tpword_body.append(TWdOpeReturn(**d)) elif tag == d["break_type"] = 3 self.tpword_body.append(TWdOpeReturn(**d)) elif tag == LNSTag.scenario: self.version = int(attrs.get("VER", 0)) elif tag == self.decorator = int(attrs["ID"]) ruby = attrs.get("RUBY") if ruby: self.ruby_text[self.decorator] = ruby elif tag == LNSTag.txspd: self.text_speed = int(attrs.get("TIME"), 50) elif tag == LNSTag.txspn: self.text_speed = 50 elif tag == LNSTag.txspf: self.text_speed = 0 elif tag == LNSTag.txsps: self.text_speed = 300 elif tag == LNSTag.undent: self.tpword_body.append(TWdOpeUndent(**d)) elif tag == LNSTag.var: if self.version and self.version < 102: # TODO for LNS ver < 102 we have to convert var name back into # a live parser logger.warning("Compiling script ver < 102 with VAR tags not fully supported") d["var_name"] = attrs.get("NAME", "") d["unk3"] = int(attrs.get("unk3", 0)) self.tpword_body.append(TWdOpeVar(**d)) else: logger.warning("Unexpected tag: {}".format(tag))
[docs] def handle_endtag(self, tag): tag = LNSTag[tag.lower()] if tag == LNSTag.a: = 0 self.link_name = "" elif tag == self.decorator = 0
[docs] def handle_data(self, data): # Handle text data for c in data: ch = TWdChar( ch=c, decorator=self.decorator, text_speed=self.text_speed, link_name=self.link_name,, condition=self.condition, ) self.tpword_body.append(ch)
[docs] def unescape(self, s): for i, j in [('\\"', '"'), ("\\<", "<"), ("\\>", ">"), ("\\{", "{"), ("\\}", "}"), ("\\\\", "\\")]: s = s.replace(i, j) return s
[docs]class LNSTextBlock(BaseTranslatable): """Contiguous text block in a TpWord body. Args: text (str): line text string. start (int): TpWord body index of the first TWdChar in this line end (int): TpWord body index of the first TWdGlyph following this line. If `end` is None, it will be set to ``start + len(text)``. name_label (str): associated namelabel event (speaker name). Text blocks are defined as continuous runs of `TWdChar` and `<BR>` line-breaks (`TWdOpeReturn` with `break_type == BreakType.LINE`). When working with `LNSTextLine` objects, the ``text`` attribute can be manipulated freely. The read-only ``digest``, ``start`` and ``end`` attributes will always remain tied to the original TpWord body, to ensure that modified (i.e. translated) lines are inserted in the correct position, even if the translated line differs in length from the original. Newlines in ``text`` will be converted to `<BR>` line-breaks when inserting a text block into a `TpWord` body. Note: Line equality (``__eq__``) is tested based on matching ``start``, ``end``, ``digest`` attributes. To test string equality between, compare the ``text`` attributes. """ def __init__(self, text, start, end=None, name_label=None): super().__init__(text) self.name_label = name_label self._start = start if self._start < 0: raise ValueError("LNSTextLine start must be >= 0") if end is None: self._end = start + len(text) else: self._end = end if self._end <= start: raise ValueError("LNSTextLine end must be > start") @property def start(self): return self._start @property def end(self): return self._end def __hash__(self): return hash((self.start, self.end, self.digest)) def __lt__(self, other): return self.start < other.start and self.end < other.end
[docs] def overlaps(self, other): return (self.start >= other.start and self.start < other.end) or ( self.end > other.start and self.end <= other.end )
[docs]class LNSText: """Convenience container for accessing text blocks in a TpWord body.""" def __init__(self, strict=True): self._blocks = [] self.strict = strict def __len__(self): return len(self._blocks) def __iter__(self): return iter(self._blocks) def __reversed__(self): return reversed(self._blocks) def __getitem__(self, key): if not self._blocks: raise IndexError if key < 0: key %= len(self._blocks) return self._blocks[key] def __eq__(self, other): if len(self) != len(other): return False for i, line in enumerate(self._blocks): if line != other[i]: return False return True
[docs] def add(self, line): """Add the specified line to this container.""" index = bisect(self._blocks, line) if self.strict: for i in (index, index + 1): if i < len(self) and self._blocks[i].overlaps(line): raise BadLnsError("Invalid overlapping LNS lines") self._blocks.insert(index, line)
[docs] @classmethod def from_tpword(cls, tpword): """Return blocks object for the specified TpWord block. Args: tpword (:class:`TpWord`): TpWord block to parse """ blocks = LNSText() cur_block = [] cur_name = None start = 0 for i, w in enumerate(tpword.body): block_break = True if w.type == TWdType.TWdChar: if not cur_block: start = i cur_block.append(str( block_break = False elif w.type == TWdType.TWdOpeReturn: if cur_block and w.break_type == BreakType.LINE: cur_block.append("\n") block_break = False elif w.type == TWdType.TWdOpeEvent: if == "NAMELABEL": if w.is_system: cur_name = None else: cur_name = w.args[0] if block_break: if cur_block: # certain games (AGLS) use repeated blank lines to manually # create blank message box screens, we can strip them here # (they will still be preserved in-game) text = "".join(cur_block).rstrip("\n") blocks.add(LNSTextBlock(text, start, name_label=cur_name)) cur_block.clear() return blocks