Source code for livemaker.lsb.lmscript

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2019 Peter Rowlands <>
# Copyright (C) 2014 tinfoil <>
# This file is a part of pylivemaker.
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
# version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
# this program. If not, see <>.
"""LiveMaker LSB/LSC script classes.

    MIN_LSB_VERSION (int): Minimum supported compiled LSB version.
    DEFAULT_LSB_VERSION (int): Default compiled LSB version.
    MAX_LSB_VERSION (int): Maximum supported compiled LSB version.


import math
from collections import defaultdict, deque
from copy import copy
from io import IOBase
from pathlib import Path

import construct

from loguru import logger

from lxml import etree

from .core import BaseSerializable
from .command import CommandType, PropertyType, _command_classes, _command_structs
from .menu import BaseSelectionMenu, make_menu, MENU_IDENTIFIERS
from .translate import TextBlockIdentifier
from ..exceptions import BadLsbError, BadTextIdentifierError, LiveMakerException

# Known LSB format versions

[docs]class LsbVersionValidator(construct.Validator): """Construct validator for supported compiled LSB versions.""" def _validate(self, obj, ctx, path): return obj >= MIN_LSB_VERSION and obj <= MAX_LSB_VERSION def _decode(self, obj, ctx, path): if not self._validate(obj, ctx, path): raise construct.ValidationError("Unsupported LSB version: {}".format(obj)) return obj
[docs]def lsb_to_lm_ver(version): if version < MIN_LSB_VERSION: raise BadLsbError("Unknown LSB version: {}".format(version)) elif version < 117: return 2 return 3
class _ParamStreamAdapter(construct.Adapter): """Construct adapter for converting command parameter bitstream into a list of bools.""" def _decode(self, obj, ctx, path): bools = [] for x in obj: for shift in range(0, 8): bools.append(x & (1 << shift) != 0) return bools def _encode(self, obj, ctx, path): stream = [] for i in range(0, len(obj), 8): flags = obj[i : i + 8] if len(flags) < 8: flags.extend([False] * (8 - len(flags))) byte = 0 for j, flag in enumerate(flags): byte |= flag << j stream.append(byte.to_bytes(1, byteorder="little")) return b"".join(stream)
[docs]class LMScript(BaseSerializable): """LiveMaker script class. A LiveMaker script is a collection of LiveMaker novel commands. One LiveMaker/LiveNovel "Chart" will be serialized as one script file. Args: version (int): Version number. If `version` is not in the range [`MIN_LSB_VERSION`, `MAX_LSB_VERSION`], this LMScript cannot be compiled into a binary LSB. param_type: Unknown type flag (always 1?). flags (int): Unknown (always 0?). call_name (str): String name for calling this script (only used for documentation). novel_params (iterable): Iterable containing string descriptions for parameters that this script accepts (only used for documentation). command_params (iterable(iterable(bool))): Two dimensional array of booleans specifying the command parameters are for Component type commands. (i.e. `command_params[CommandType.BoxNew][PropertyType.PR_NAME] == True` means that `BoxNew` takes a `PR_NAME` parameter.) commands (iterable): Iterable containing this script's `Command` objects. Raises: BadLsbError: If the specified LMScript would be invalid or unsupported. """ # internal use field to specify where this LMScript came from _parsed_from = None def __init__( self, version=DEFAULT_LSB_VERSION, param_type=1, flags=0, call_name="", novel_params=[], command_params=[[]], commands=[], **kwargs, ): if version < MIN_LSB_VERSION or version > MAX_LSB_VERSION: logger.warning("LSB compilation unsupported for LMScript version {}".format(version)) self.version = version self.param_type = param_type self.flags = flags self.call_name = str(call_name) self.novel_params = novel_params if len(command_params) > (max(CommandType) + 1): logger.warning("len(command_params) exceeds max command type value") self.command_params = command_params self.commands = commands self.pylm = kwargs.get("pylm") def __len__(self): return len(self.commands) def __repr__(self): return "<LMScript version={} commands={}>".format(self.version, repr(self.commands)) def __iter__(self): return iter(self.items()) def __getitem__(self, key): if key in self.keys(): return getattr(self, key) raise KeyError @property def commands(self): return self._commands @commands.setter def commands(self, commands): if isinstance(commands, construct.ListContainer): self._commands = [] for c in commands: cmd = _command_classes[CommandType(int(c.type))].from_struct( c, command_params=self.command_params[int(c.type)] ) self._commands.append(cmd) else: self._commands = commands self._cmd_index = {cmd.LineNo: i for i, cmd in enumerate(self._commands)}
[docs] def keys(self): return ["version", "flags", "command_count", "param_stream_size", "command_params", "commands"]
[docs] def items(self): return [(k, self[k]) for k in self.keys()]
@property def command_count(self): """Return the number of command types supported by this script.""" return len(self.command_params) @property def param_stream_size(self): """Return the length of this script's param flag bytestream.""" return math.ceil(len(self.command_params[-1]) / 8) @property def lm_version(self): """Return LiveMaker app version based on an LSB version.""" return lsb_to_lm_ver(self.version)
[docs] def to_lsc(self): """Return this script in the tex .lsc format.""" lines = [ "LiveMaker{:03}".format(self.version), str(self.param_type), ] if self.version >= 104: lines.append("") # unk, call name? lines.append(str(len(self.command_params))) for params in self.command_params: lines.append("\t".join([str(i) for i, flag in enumerate(params) if flag])) return "\r\n".join(lines)
[docs] @classmethod def from_lsc(cls, s): """Create an LMScript from the specified string. Args: s: String containing text .lsc format data. Raises: BadLsbError if the string could not be parsed. Note: Currently only supports reading version information. """ if not s.startswith("LiveMaker"): raise BadLsbError("String does not contain LiveMaker script data.") lines = s.splitlines() try: if lines[0].startswith("LiveMakerB"): version = int(lines[0][10:]) else: version = int(lines[0][9:]) # param_type = int(lines[1]) # if version >= 104: # flags = int(lines[3]) # command_params_count = int(lines[4]) # command_params_start = 5 # else: # flags = int(lines[2]) # command_params_count = int(lines[3]) # command_params_start = 4 # command_params = [] # for line in lines[command_params_start:command_params_start + command_params_count]: # params = [False] * (max(PropertyType) + 1) # for index in line.split(): # params[int(index)] = True # command_params.append(params) # commands = [] # for command in lines[command_params_start + command_params_count:]: # pass except (IndexError, ValueError): raise BadLsbError("String does not contain LiveMaker script data.") # lm = cls(version=version, param_type=param_type, flags=flags, # command_params=command_params, commands=commands) lm = cls(version=version) lm._parsed_from = "lsc"
@classmethod def _struct(cls): return construct.Struct( "version" / LsbVersionValidator(construct.Int32ul), "flags" / construct.Byte, "command_count" / construct.Int32ul, "param_stream_size" / construct.Int32ul, "command_params" / construct.Array( construct.this.command_count, _ParamStreamAdapter(construct.Bytes(construct.this.param_stream_size)), ), "commands" / construct.PrefixedArray(construct.Int32ul, construct.Select(*_command_structs)), )
[docs] @classmethod def from_struct(cls, struct, **kwargs): """Create an LMScript from the specified struct.""" lm = LMScript( version=struct.version, flags=struct.flags, command_params=struct.command_params, commands=struct.commands, **kwargs, ) lm._parsed_from = "lsb" return lm
[docs] def to_lsb(self): """Compile this script into binary .lsb format.""" try: return self._struct().build(self) # return construct.Debugger(self._struct()).build(self) except construct.ConstructError as e: raise BadLsbError(e)
[docs] def to_xml(self): """Return this script as an .lsc format XML etree.Element.""" root = etree.Element("Page") version = etree.SubElement(root, "Version") version.text = str(self.version) call_name = etree.SubElement(root, "CallName") call_name.text = self.call_name novel_param = etree.SubElement(root, "NovelParam") for x in self.novel_params: item = etree.SubElement(novel_param, "Item") item.text = x param = etree.SubElement(root, "Param") for i, params in enumerate(self.command_params): cmd = etree.SubElement(param, CommandType(i).name) for j, flag in enumerate(params): if flag: item = etree.SubElement(cmd, PropertyType(j).name) item.text = "1" command = etree.SubElement(root, "Command") for c in self.commands: command.append(c.to_xml()) return root
[docs] @classmethod def from_xml(cls, root, **kwargs): """Create an LMScript from the specified XML element. Args: root: The root tree element. Raises: BadLsbError: If the XML tree could not be parsed. Note: Currently only supports reading header information. """ version = 0 # param_type = 0 # flags = 0 # call_name = '' # novel_params = [] # command_params = [] # for i in range(max(CommandType) + 1): # command_params.append([False] * (max(PropertyType) + 1)) # commands = [] if root.tag != "Page": raise BadLsbError("Expected an LMScript XML tree") for child in root: if child.tag == "Version": version = int(child.text) # elif child.tag == 'PropertyType': # param_type = int(child.text) # elif child.tag == 'CallName': # call_name = child.text # elif child.tag == 'NovelParam': # for item in child: # novel_params.append(item.text()) # elif child.tag == 'Param': # for cmd in child: # cmd_type = CommandType[cmd.tag] # for param in cmd: # param_type = PropertyType[param.tag] # if int(param.text): # command_params[cmd_type][param_type] = True # if child.tag == 'Command': # pass # lm = cls(version=version, param_type=param_type, flags=flags, call_name=call_name, # novel_params=novel_params, command_params=command_params, commands=commands) lm = cls(version=version, **kwargs) lm._parsed_from = "lsc-xml" return lm
[docs] @classmethod def from_file(cls, infile, **kwargs): """Parse the specified file into an LMScript. Args: infile: Input .lsc or .lsb file. Can be a string, path-like, or file-like object. Raises: BadLsbError: If the input file could not be parsed. """ if not isinstance(infile, IOBase): infile = open(infile, "rb") data = if kwargs.get("call_name") is None: kwargs["call_name"] = Path( if data.startswith(b"LiveMaker"): return cls.from_lsc("cp932"), **kwargs) elif data.startswith(b"<?xml"): return cls.from_xml(etree.parse(infile), **kwargs) try: return cls.from_struct(cls._struct().parse_stream(infile), **kwargs) except construct.ConstructError as e: raise BadLsbError(e)
[docs] @classmethod def from_lsb(cls, data, **kwargs): """Parse the specified compiled .lsb data into an LMScript. Args: data: Input .lsb data. Raises: BadLsbError: If the input data could not be parsed. """ try: return cls.from_struct(cls._struct().parse(data), **kwargs) except construct.ConstructError as e: raise BadLsbError(e)
[docs] def get_command(self, line_no): """Get specified command by line number. Returns: tuple(cmd_index, cmd) Raises: KeyError: the specified line_no does not exist in this LSB. """ index = self._cmd_index[line_no] return index, self.commands[index]
[docs] def walk(self, start=0, unreachable=False): """Iterate over LSB commands in approximate execution order. All conditional branches will be followed (positive condition will be evaluated first), but external jumps and calls will not be followed. Args: start (int): Command index to start from. unreachable (bool): If True, unreachable commands will be included. Yields: 3-tuple in the form ``(index, command, last_calc)`` """ if not self.call_name: raise NotImplementedError("lsb walk requires call_name be set") cmds_to_visit = deque([(start, None)]) remaining_cmds = set(range(len(self.commands))) remaining_cmds.remove(start) while cmds_to_visit: pc, last_calc = cmds_to_visit.popleft() cmd = self.commands[pc] yield pc, cmd, last_calc if cmd.type == CommandType.Jump: ref = cmd.get("Page") calc = str(cmd.get("Calc")) if ref.Page == self.call_name: if calc != "0": # branch taken if calc == "1": calc = last_calc next_pc = ref.Label if next_pc in remaining_cmds: remaining_cmds.remove(next_pc) cmds_to_visit.append((next_pc, calc)) else: # branch not taken next_pc = pc + 1 if next_pc in remaining_cmds: remaining_cmds.remove(next_pc) cmds_to_visit.append((next_pc, last_calc)) elif cmd.type not in (CommandType.Exit, CommandType.Terminate, CommandType.PCReset): next_pc = pc + 1 if next_pc in remaining_cmds: remaining_cmds.remove(next_pc) cmds_to_visit.append((next_pc, last_calc)) if unreachable and remaining_cmds:"file contains {len(remaining_cmds)} unreachable commands") for pc in remaining_cmds: yield pc, self.commands[pc], None
[docs] def text_scenarios(self, run_order=True): """Return a list of LiveNovel text scenarios contained in this script. Args: run_order (bool): If True, scenarios will be returned in approximately the order they would be run in-game (via `walk()`. If False, text blocks will be returned in the order they occur in the LSB file. Returns: tuple(int, str, :class:`TpWord`): (line_num, name, scenario) """ if run_order: gen = self.walk(unreachable=True) else: gen = enumerate(self.commands) scenarios = [] while True: try: if run_order: i, cmd, _ = next(gen) else: i, cmd = next(gen) except StopIteration: return scenarios if cmd.type == CommandType.TextIns: # TextIns command should always occur in sequence: # Label <scenario_name> # Calc <set system message flag to non-empty> # TextIns <scenario> name = self.commands[i - 2].get("Name", "") scenario = cmd.get("Text") scenarios.append((cmd.LineNo, name, scenario)) return scenarios
[docs] def get_text_blocks(self, run_order=False): """Return LiveNovel scenario text blocks contained in this script. Args: run_order (bool): If True, text blocks will be returned in approximately the order they would be run in-game (via `walk()`. If False, text blocks will be returned in the order they occur in the LSB file. Returns: list of (identifier, block) tuples """ blocks = [] for line_no, name, scenario in self.text_scenarios(run_order=run_order): for i, block in enumerate(scenario.get_text_blocks()): id_ = TextBlockIdentifier(self.call_name, line_no, name=name, block_index=i) blocks.append((id_, block)) return blocks
[docs] def replace_text(self, text_objects): """Replace the specified translatable text objects in this LSB. Args: text_objects: Iterable containing (identifier, text) tuples """ new_objs = { "text": [], "menu-text": [], } translated, failed = 0, 0 for id_, text in text_objects: if id_.type in new_objs: new_objs[id_.type].append((id_, text)) else: raise BadTextIdentifierError(f"Unsupported text type '{id_}'") if new_objs["text"]: t, f = self.replace_text_blocks(new_objs["text"]) translated += t failed += f elif new_objs["menu-text"]: t, f = self.replace_menu_choices(new_objs["menu-text"]) translated += t failed += f return translated, failed
[docs] def replace_text_blocks(self, text_objects): """Replace the specified LiveNovel scenario text blocks in this LSB. Args: text_objects: Iterable containing (identifier, text) tuples """ translated, failed = 0, 0 replacement_blocks = defaultdict(list) for id_, text in text_objects: if id_.type == "text" and id_.filename == self.call_name: replacement_blocks[id_.line_no].append((id_, text)) for line_no in replacement_blocks: try: _, cmd = self.get_command(line_no) if cmd.type != CommandType.TextIns: raise BadTextIdentifierError(f"invalid text block: LSB command '{line_no}' is not TextIns") except KeyError: raise BadTextIdentifierError(f"invalid text block: LSB command '{line_no}' does not exist") scenario = cmd.get("Text") tmp_blocks = scenario.get_text_blocks() for id_, text in replacement_blocks[line_no]: block = tmp_blocks[id_.block_index] try: block.text = text"Translated block {id_}: '{block.orig_text}' -> '{block.text}'") translated += 1 except LiveMakerException as e: logger.warning(f"Failed to translate text block <{id_}> {e}") failed += 1 scenario.replace_text_blocks(tmp_blocks) return translated, failed
[docs] def get_menus(self, run_order=True): """Return a list of LiveNovel text selection menus contained in this script. Args: run_order (bool): If True, menus will be returned in approximately the order they would be run in-game (via `walk()`. If False, text blocks will be returned in the order they occur in the LSB file. Returns: tuple(int, :class:`BaseSelectionMenu`): (line_num, menu) """ if run_order: gen = self.walk(unreachable=True) else: gen = enumerate(self.commands) menus = [] while True: try: if run_order: i, cmd, _ = next(gen) else: i, cmd = next(gen) except StopIteration: return menus if BaseSelectionMenu.is_menu_start(cmd): try: menu = make_menu(self, i, pylm=self.pylm) menus.append((cmd.LineNo, menu)) except LiveMakerException: pass
[docs] def get_menu_choices(self, run_order=True): """Return selection menu choices contained in this script. Args: run_order (bool): If True, menus will be returned in approximately the order they would be run in-game (via `walk()`. If False, menus will be returned in the order they occur in the LSB file. Returns: list of (identifier, choice) tuples """ choices = [] for line_no, menu in self.get_menus(run_order): name = menu.label.get("Name", "") for i, choice in enumerate(menu.choices): id_cls = MENU_IDENTIFIERS[type(menu)] id_ = id_cls(self.call_name, line_no, name=name, choice_index=i) choices.append((id_, choice)) return choices
[docs] def replace_menu_choices(self, text_objects): """Replace the specified text selection menu choices in this LSB. Args: text_objects: Iterable containing (identifier, text) tuples """ translated, failed = 0, 0 replacement_choices = defaultdict(list) for id_, text in text_objects: if id_.type == "menu-text" and id_.filename == self.call_name: replacement_choices[id_.line_no].append((id_, text)) for line_no in replacement_choices: try: index, _ = self.get_command(line_no) menu = make_menu(self, index) except LiveMakerException: raise BadTextIdentifierError(f"invalid text block: LSB command '{line_no}' is not start of a menu") for id_, text in replacement_choices[line_no]: orig_choice = menu.choices[id_.choice_index] choice = copy(orig_choice) choice.text = text try: menu.replace_choice(choice, id_.choice_index)"Translated '{choice.orig_text}' -> '{choice.text}'") translated += 1 except LiveMakerException as e: logger.warning(f"Failed to translate menu choice <{id_}> {e}") failed += 1 menu.save_choices() return translated, failed