Source code for livemaker.lsb.graph

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2020 Peter Rowlands <>
# Copyright (C) 2014 tinfoil <>
# This file is a part of pylivemaker.
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
# version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
# this program. If not, see <>.
"""LiveMaker LSB/LSC command execution tree/graph module."""

from collections import deque

import networkx as nx
from loguru import logger

from .command import CommandType
from ..exceptions import LiveMakerException


def _jump_edges(lsb, pc, cmd):
    ref = cmd.get("Page")
    calc = str(cmd.get("Calc"))"{pc}: {cmd}")

    if ref.Page == lsb.call_name:
        next_pc = ref.Label
        if calc == "0":
            # branch never taken
            yield (pc, pc + 1), None
        elif calc == "1":
            # branch always taken
            yield (pc, next_pc), None
            yield (pc, next_pc), f"If {calc}"
            yield (pc, pc + 1), "Else"

[docs]def handle_jump(graph, unvisited, lsb, pc, cmd, **kwargs): for edge, cond in _jump_edges(lsb, pc, cmd): graph.add_edge(*edge, branch=True, cond=cond)
def _if_edge(if_pc, case_pc, cmd): return (if_pc, case_pc + 1), str(cmd)
[docs]def handle_if(graph, unvisited, lsb, if_pc, if_cmd, return_pc=None):"{if_pc}: {if_cmd}") # find if/elseif/else if_indent = if_cmd.Indent if_cases = [(if_pc, if_cmd)] else_case = [] for pc in range(if_pc + 1, len(lsb.commands)): cmd = lsb.commands[pc] if cmd.Indent > if_indent: continue if cmd.Indent == if_indent: if cmd.type == CommandType.Elseif: if_cases.append((pc, cmd)) unvisited.remove(pc) graph.remove_node(pc) continue if cmd.type == CommandType.Else: else_case.append((pc, cmd)) unvisited.remove(pc) graph.remove_node(pc) continue end_pc = pc else: end_pc = return_pc break if end_pc is None: raise LiveMakerException("invalid If/Elseif/Else sequence") # add edges and visit if/elseif/else cases for pc, cmd in if_cases + else_case: edge, cond = _if_edge(if_pc, pc, cmd) graph.add_edge(*edge, branch=True, cond=cond) nested = deque() for nested_pc in range(pc + 1, len(lsb.commands)): nested_cmd = lsb.commands[nested_pc] if nested_cmd.Indent == cmd.Indent + 1: nested.append(nested_pc) continue elif nested_cmd.Indent > cmd.Indent + 1: continue break visit(graph, nested, lsb, return_pc=end_pc) if not else_case: graph.add_edge(if_pc, end_pc, branch=True, cond="Else")
[docs]def handle_while(graph, unvisited, lsb, init_pc, init_cmd, return_pc=None):"{init_pc}: {init_cmd}") # find end of loop while_pc = None while_cmd = None loop_pc = None while_indent = init_cmd.Indent for pc in range(init_pc + 1, len(lsb.commands)): cmd = lsb.commands[pc] if cmd.Indent > while_indent: continue if cmd.Indent == while_indent: if cmd.type == CommandType.While: while_pc = pc while_cmd = cmd unvisited.remove(pc) graph.remove_node(pc) continue elif cmd.type == CommandType.WhileLoop: loop_pc = pc unvisited.remove(pc) graph.remove_node(pc) break raise LiveMakerException("invalid While loop sequence") if loop_pc + 1 in unvisited: end_pc = loop_pc + 1 else: end_pc = return_pc if not end_pc: raise LiveMakerException("invalid While loop sequence") # add edges graph.add_edge(init_pc, while_pc, branch=False) calc = str(while_cmd.get("Calc")) graph.add_edge(while_pc, while_pc + 1, branch=True, cond=f"While {calc}") graph.add_edge(while_pc, end_pc, branch=True, cond="Done") graph.add_edge(loop_pc, while_pc, branch=False) # visit loop nested = deque(range(while_pc + 1, loop_pc)) visit(graph, nested, lsb, return_pc=loop_pc)
HANDLERS = {CommandType.Jump: handle_jump, CommandType.If: handle_if, CommandType.WhileInit: handle_while}
[docs]def visit(graph, unvisited, lsb, return_pc=None): while unvisited: pc = unvisited.popleft() cmd = lsb.commands[pc] if cmd.Mute: continue if cmd.type in HANDLERS: HANDLERS[cmd.type](graph, unvisited, lsb, pc, cmd, return_pc=return_pc) elif cmd.type not in END_COMMANDS: if pc + 1 in unvisited: graph.add_edge(pc, pc + 1, branch=False) elif return_pc is not None: graph.add_edge(pc, return_pc, branch=True)
[docs]def make_graph(lsb): graph = nx.DiGraph() # populate nodes for i, cmd in enumerate(lsb.commands): graph.add_node(i, cmd=cmd) # find edges unvisited = deque([i for i in range(len(lsb.commands)) if lsb.commands[i].Indent == 0]) visit(graph, unvisited, lsb) return graph
[docs]def nx_to_dot(graph): import pydot dot = pydot.Dot(graph_type="digraph") block_nodes = [] for n in reversed(list(nx.dfs_postorder_nodes(graph))): block_nodes.append(n) adjacent = list(graph.adj[n].items()) if len(adjacent) == 1: nbr, edge_data = adjacent[0] cmd = graph.nodes[nbr]["cmd"] if not (cmd.type == CommandType.Label or edge_data.get("branch")): continue lines = [] for node in block_nodes: cmd = graph.nodes[node]["cmd"] s = str(cmd).replace("\r", "\\r").replace("\n", "\\n") lines.append(f"{cmd.LineNo:4}: {s}\\l") if cmd.type == CommandType.TextIns: blocks = cmd["Text"].get_text_blocks() if blocks: for line in blocks[0].text.splitlines(): lines.append(f" {line}\\l") lines.append(" ...\\l") block_start = block_nodes[0] dot_node = pydot.Node(block_start, label="".join(lines), shape="box") dot.add_node(dot_node) block_nodes.clear() for nbr, edge_data in adjacent: cond = edge_data.get("cond") if cond: dot_edge = pydot.Edge(block_start, nbr, label=cond) else: dot_edge = pydot.Edge(block_start, nbr) dot.add_edge(dot_edge) return dot