Source code for livemaker.lsb.command

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2020 Peter Rowlands <>
# Copyright (C) 2014 tinfoil <>
# This file is a part of pylivemaker.
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
# version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
# this program. If not, see <>.
"""LiveMaker LSB/LSC script command classes."""

import enum
from collections import OrderedDict

import construct

from loguru import logger

from lxml import etree

from .core import BaseSerializable, LiveParser, LiveParserArray, ParamType, PropertyType
from .novel import TpWord
from ..exceptions import BadLsbError

[docs]class CommandType(enum.IntEnum): """LiveMaker script command type. Note: In some cases, for some reason the internal LiveMaker Delphi class names differ from the string command name used in script files (ex. TComEntryHist becomes FormatHist). For these cases, use the command names from serialized script files. """ If = 0x00 Elseif = 0x01 Else = 0x02 Label = 0x03 Jump = 0x04 Call = 0x05 Exit = 0x06 Wait = 0x07 BoxNew = 0x08 ImgNew = 0x09 MesNew = 0x0A Timer = 0x0B Movie = 0x0C Flip = 0x0D Calc = 0x0E VarNew = 0x0F VarDel = 0x10 GetProp = 0x11 SetProp = 0x12 ObjDel = 0x13 TextIns = 0x14 MovieStop = 0x15 ClrHist = 0x16 Cinema = 0x17 Caption = 0x18 Menu = 0x19 MenuClose = 0x1A Comment = 0x1B TextClr = 0x1C CallHist = 0x1D Button = 0x1E While = 0x1F WhileInit = 0x20 WhileLoop = 0x21 Break = 0x22 Continue = 0x23 ParticleNew = 0x24 FireNew = 0x25 GameSave = 0x26 GameLoad = 0x27 PCReset = 0x28 Reset = 0x29 Sound = 0x2A EditNew = 0x2B MemoNew = 0x2C Terminate = 0x2D DoEvent = 0x2E ClrRead = 0x2F MapImgNew = 0x30 WaveNew = 0x31 TileNew = 0x32 SliderNew = 0x33 ScrollbarNew = 0x34 GaugeNew = 0x35 CGCaption = 0x36 MediaPlay = 0x37 PrevMenuNew = 0x38 PropMotion = 0x39 FormatHist = 0x3A # TComEntryHist SaveCabinet = 0x3B # TComCabinetSave LoadCabinet = 0x3C # TComCabinetLoad IFDEF = 0x3D # TComIfdef IFNDEF = 0x3E # TComIfndef ENDIF = 0x3F # TComEndif
[docs]class LabelReference(BaseSerializable): """Internal use class for resolving label references. Label lookups will be done at serialization time as needed. When serializing to an LSC format, lookup will be done if the original reference is to a label index. When serializing to LSB, lookup will be done if the original reference is to a string label name. Note: If the original reference is in the correct format (i.e. string name for LSC to LSC or index for LSB to LSB, no lookup will be done to validate that the specified label exists)! """ def __init__(self, Page="", Label=0): """Initialize a LabelReference. Params: Page (str): Page name (a path string). File extension for `Page` can be either .lsc or .lsb. When attempting to resolve the label reference, both extensions will be checked as needed. Label (int, str): Label index or string name. """ self.Page = Page self.Label = Label def __str__(self): return "{}:{}".format(self.Page, self.Label) def __iter__(self): return iter(self.items()) def __getitem__(self, key): if key == "Page": return self.Page elif key == "Label": return self.lookup_index() raise KeyError(key)
[docs] def keys(self): return ["Page", "Label"]
[docs] def items(self): return [(k, self[k]) for k in self.keys()]
[docs] def lookup_name(self): """Lookup the label name for this reference.""" if isinstance(self.Label, int): if Label == 0: # Reference to start of page return "" # TODO lookup label logger.warning("Label lookup not yet implemented.") return str(self.Label) else: return str(self.Label)
[docs] def lookup_index(self): """Lookup the label command index for this reference.""" if isinstance(self.Label, int): return self.Label else: if not self.Label: # Reference to start of page return 0 # TODO lookup label logger.warning("Label lookup not yet implemented.") return 0
[docs] def to_lsc(self): """Return this label reference in text .lsc format.""" return "\t".join([self.Page, self.lookup_name()])
# @classmethod # def from_lsc(cls, Page, Label): # return cls(Page, Label)
[docs] def to_xml(self): """Return an XML representation of this label reference.""" return ":".join([self.Page, self.lookup_name()])
# @classmethod # def from_xml(cls, root): # """Create a label reference from the specified XML element. # Args: # root: The root tree element. # Raises: # BadLsbError: If the XML tree could not be parsed. # """ # if root.tag != 'Page': # raise BadLsbError('XML node is not a page label reference') # try: # page, label = root.text.split(':', 1) # except ValueError: # # Reference to start of page # page = root.text # label = 0 # return LabelReference(page, label) @classmethod def _struct(cls): return construct.Struct( "Page" / construct.PascalString(construct.Int32ul, "cp932"), "Label" / construct.Int32ul, )
[docs] @classmethod def from_struct(cls, struct): return cls(struct.Page, struct.Label)
[docs]class BaseCommand(BaseSerializable): """Base command class. Args: Indent: Indentation level. `Indent` level specifies the scope for commands like `If`/`WhileLoop`/etc. Mute: True if this command can be ignored during processing (used for comments). NotUpdate: Unknown. Color: Unknown (always False for novels?). LineNo: LineNo (line number) for this command. When a script is compiled into a binary LSB, target label name references (for jumps and calls) are replaced with a reference to the LineNo of the target label command. Attributes: type (:class:`CommandType`): Command type. args: OrderedDict of this command's arguments. If an argument is not applicable in a given LSB version, it's value should be set to None. Any arg set to None will not be serialized. If an arg is applicable in a given version and needs to be set to an empty value, use the empty string ''. This should make serialization for the .lsc formats consistent with how construct handles optional (version specific) values when reading to/from binary .lsb format. Note: The order `args` are initialized is important, since they will be serialized in the same order. """ type = None _struct_fields = construct.Struct() def __init__(self, Indent=0, Mute=False, NotUpdate=False, Color=0, LineNo=0, **kwargs): self.Indent = Indent self.Mute = Mute self.NotUpdate = NotUpdate self.LineNo = LineNo self.Color = Color self.args = OrderedDict() def __str__(self): return " ".join(str(x) for x in [] + list(self.args.values())) def __repr__(self): params = [] for k in self.keys(): v = self.get(k) if v is not None: params.append("{}={}".format(k, repr(v))) return "{}({})".format(type(self).__name__, ", ".join(params)) def __iter__(self): return iter(self.items()) def __getitem__(self, key): if key in ("type", "LineNo", "Indent", "Mute", "NotUpdate"): v = getattr(self, key) else: v = self.args[key] if isinstance(v, enum.Enum): v = return v
[docs] def keys(self): """Return a list of dictionary keys for this command.""" return ["type", "LineNo", "Indent", "Mute", "NotUpdate"] + list(self.args.keys())
[docs] def items(self): """Return a list of (key, value) pairs for this command.""" return [(k, self[k]) for k in self.keys()]
[docs] def to_lsc(self): """Return this command in text .lsc format.""" out = [, str(self.Indent), str(int(self.Mute)), str(self.NotUpdate), str(self.Color)] for arg in self.args: if hasattr(arg, "to_lsc"): out.append(arg.to_lsc()) elif isinstance(arg, enum.Enum): out.append(str(arg.value)) elif arg is not None: out.append(str(arg)) return "\t".join(out)
# def _parse_lsc_args(self, *args, **kwargs): # raise NotImplementedError # @classmethod # def from_lsc(cls, data, **kwargs): # """Parse text .lsc formatted data into a command object. # Args: # data (str) Text to parse. # Raises: # BadLsbError: If the data could not be parsed into this command. # """ # if not data.startswith( # raise BadLsbError('Data does not contain a {} command'.format( # try: # args = '\t'.split(data) # (_, indent, mute, not_update, color) = args[:5] # except ValueError: # raise BadLsbError('Data does not contain a {} command'.format( # cmd = cls(Indent=int(indent), Mute=bool(int(mute)), NotUpdate=bool(int(not_update)), Color=int(color)) # if len(args) > 5: # cmd._parse_lsc_args(*args[5:], **kwargs) # return cmd
[docs] def to_xml(self): """Return an XML representation of this command.""" root = etree.Element( "Item",, LineNo=str(self.LineNo), Indent=str(self.Indent), Mute=str(int(self.Mute)), NotUpdate=str(int(self.NotUpdate)), Color=str(self.Color), ) for k, v in self.args.items(): item = etree.SubElement(root, k) if hasattr(v, "to_xml"): x = v.to_xml() if isinstance(x, (str, etree.CDATA)): item.text = x elif isinstance(x, list): for child in x: item.append(child) else: logger.warning("Ignoring unexpected child type returned by to_xml()") elif isinstance(v, enum.Enum): item.text = str( else: item.text = str(v) return root
# def _parse_xml_args(self, root, **kwargs): # raise NotImplementedError # @classmethod # def from_xml(cls, root, **kwargs): # """Create a command from the specified XML element. # Args: # root: The root tree element. # Raises: # BadLsbError: If the XML tree could not be parsed. # """ # if root.get('Command') != # raise BadLsbError('XML node is not a {}'.format( # cmd = cls(Indent=int(root.get('Indent')), Mute=bool(int(root.get('Mute'))), # NotUpdate=bool(int(root.get('NotUpdate'))), Color=int(root.get('Color'))) # cmd._parse_xml_args(root, **kwargs) # return cmd @classmethod def _struct(cls): """Return a construct Struct for this command type.""" return construct.Struct( "type" / construct.Const(, construct.Enum(construct.Byte, CommandType)), "Indent" / construct.Int32ul, "Mute" / construct.Flag, "NotUpdate" / construct.Flag, "LineNo" / construct.Int32ul, # construct.Probe(), construct.Embedded(cls._struct_fields), # construct.Probe(), )
[docs]class If(BaseCommand): """Begin an If conditional block. Conditional block nesting is handled by the `Command.Indent` attribute. Args: Calc (:class:`LiveParser`): Conditional expression. """ type = CommandType.If _struct_fields = construct.Struct( "Calc" / LiveParser._struct(), ) def __init__(self, Calc=LiveParser(), **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) if isinstance(Calc, construct.Container): Calc = LiveParser.from_struct(Calc) self.args["Calc"] = Calc
# def _parse_lsc_args(self, Calc, *args, **kwargs): # self.args['Calc'] = LiveParser.from_lsc(Calc) # def _parse_xml_args(self, root, **kwargs): # for child in root: # if child.tag == 'Calc': # self.args['Calc'] = LiveParser.from_xml(child)
[docs]class Elseif(If): """Begin an Elseif conditional block.""" type = CommandType.Elseif
[docs]class Else(BaseCommand): """Begin an Else conditional block.""" type = CommandType.Else
# def _parse_lsc_args(self, *args, **kwargs): # pass # def _parse_xml_args(self, root, **kwargs): # pass
[docs]class Label(BaseCommand): """Insert a named label which can be used as a Jump or Call target. Args: Name (str): Label name. Note: Original label names may not be available when decompiling a binary LSB. """ type = CommandType.Label _struct_fields = construct.Struct( "Name" / construct.PascalString(construct.Int32ul, "cp932"), ) def __init__(self, Name="", **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.args["Name"] = Name
# def _parse_lsc_args(self, Name, *args, **kwargs): # self.args['Name'] = Name # def _parse_xml_args(self, root, **kwargs): # for child in root: # if child.tag == 'Name': # self.args['Name'] = child.text
[docs]class Jump(BaseCommand): """Conditionally branch to a :class:`Label` or the start of a script. Args: Page (:class:`LabelReference`): Target label. Calc (:class:`LiveParser`): Jump to target label if `Calc` evaluates to True. """ type = CommandType.Jump _struct_fields = construct.Struct( "Page" / LabelReference._struct(), "Calc" / LiveParser._struct(), ) def __init__(self, Page=LabelReference(), Calc=LiveParser(), **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) if isinstance(Page, construct.Container): Page = LabelReference.from_struct(Page) self.args["Page"] = Page if isinstance(Calc, construct.Container): Calc = LiveParser.from_struct(Calc) self.args["Calc"] = Calc
# def _parse_lsc_args(self, Page, Label, Calc, *args, **kwargs): # self.args['Page'] = LabelReference(Page, Label) # self.args['Calc'] = LiveParser.from_lsc(Calc) # def _parse_xml_args(self, root, **kwargs): # for child in root: # if child.tag == 'Page': # self.args['Page'] = LabelReference.from_xml(child) # elif child.tag == 'Calc': # self.args['Calc'] = LiveParser.from_xml(child)
[docs]class Call(BaseCommand): """Conditionally call a :class:`Label` or script with optional parameter arguments. Args: Page (:class:`LabelReference`): Target label. Result (str): Variable name to store call return value, if unset (empty string) the return value will not be stored. Calc (:class:`LiveParser`): Call target script if `Calc` evaluates to True. Params (:class:`LiveParserArray`): List of parameters to be passed into the called script. """ type = CommandType.Call _struct_fields = construct.Struct( "Page" / LabelReference._struct(), "Result" / construct.PascalString(construct.Int32ul, "cp932"), "Calc" / LiveParser._struct(), "Params" / LiveParserArray._struct(construct.Int32ul), ) def __init__(self, Page=LabelReference(), Result="", Calc=LiveParser(), Params=LiveParserArray(), **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) if isinstance(Page, construct.Container): Page = LabelReference.from_struct(Page) self.args["Page"] = Page self.args["Result"] = Result if isinstance(Calc, construct.Container): Calc = LiveParser.from_struct(Calc) self.args["Calc"] = Calc if isinstance(Params, construct.ListContainer): Params = LiveParserArray.from_struct(Params) self.args["Params"] = Params
# def _parse_lsc_args(self, Page, Label, Result, Calc, *args, **kwargs): # raise NotImplementedError('Parsing Call from text LSC not supported') # # TODO: Test this if someone finds an example .lsc # self.args['Page'] = LabelReference(Page, Label) # self.args['Result'] = Result # self.args['Calc'] = LiveParser.from_lsc(Calc) # self.args['Params'] = LiveParserArray.from_lsc(*args) # def _parse_xml_args(self, root, **kwargs): # for child in root: # if child.tag == 'Page': # self.args['Page'] = LabelReference.from_xml(child) # elif child.tag == 'Result': # self.args['Result'] = child.text # elif child.tag == 'Calc': # self.args['Calc'] = LiveParser.from_xml(child) # elif child.tag == 'Params': # self.args['Params'] = LiveParserArray.from_xml(child)
[docs]class Exit(BaseCommand): """Conditionally return from the current script. Args: Calc (:class:`LiveParser`): Return if `Calc` evaluates to True. """ type = CommandType.Exit _struct_fields = construct.Struct( "Calc" / LiveParser._struct(), ) def __init__(self, Calc=LiveParser(), **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) if isinstance(Calc, construct.Container): Calc = LiveParser.from_struct(Calc) self.args["Calc"] = Calc
# def _parse_lsc_args(self, Calc, *args, **kwargs): # self.args['Calc'] = LiveParser.from_lsc(Calc) # def _parse_xml_args(self, root, **kwargs): # for child in root: # if child.tag == 'Calc': # self.args['Calc'] = LiveParser.from_xml(child)
[docs]class Wait(BaseCommand): """Conditionally wait for some amount of time. Args: Calc (:class:`LiveParser`): Wait if `Calc` evaluates to True. Time (:class:`LiveParser`): Time to wait in milliseconds. StopEvent (:class:`LiveParser`): Event processing will be stopped while waiting if `StopEvent` evaluates to True. Only used in LM versions 107 and later. """ type = CommandType.Wait _struct_fields = construct.Struct( "Calc" / LiveParser._struct(), "Time" / LiveParser._struct(), "StopEvent" / construct.If(construct.this._._.version > 0x6A, LiveParser._struct()), ) def __init__(self, Calc=LiveParser(), Time=LiveParser(), StopEvent=None, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) if isinstance(Calc, construct.Container): Calc = LiveParser.from_struct(Calc) self.args["Calc"] = Calc if isinstance(Time, construct.Container): Time = LiveParser.from_struct(Time) self.args["Time"] = Time if isinstance(StopEvent, construct.Container): StopEvent = LiveParser.from_struct(StopEvent) self.args["StopEvent"] = StopEvent
# def _parse_lsc_args(self, Calc, Time, StopEvent, *args, **kwargs): # self.args['Calc'] = LiveParser.from_lsc(Calc) # self.args['Time'] = LiveParser.from_lsc(Time) # if StopEvent is not None: # self.args['StopEvent'] = LiveParser.from_lsc(StopEvent) # else: # self.args['StopEvent'] = None # def _parse_xml_args(self, root, **kwargs): # for child in root: # if child.tag in ('Calc', 'Time', 'StopEvent'): # self.args[child.tag] = LiveParser.from_xml(child) def _count_params(ctx): cmd_type = ctx.type if isinstance(cmd_type, str): cmd_type = CommandType[cmd_type] else: cmd_type = int(cmd_type) return sum(ctx._._.command_params[cmd_type])
[docs]class BaseComponentCommand(BaseCommand): """Base class for Component type commands. Component commands take list of LiveParser arguments, where the number of arguments depends on which parameters are enabled for a given command (i.e. the boolean flag list of parameters from the top level LMScript). Args: components (iterable(:class:`LiveParser`)): Iterable containing the parameters for this command. Each parameter should correspond to an enabled PropertyType for this command. command_params (list(bool)): List containing enabled parameter flags for this command. """ # NOTE: We don't use LiveParserArray here because we would still need to do # the special handling for parameter names/types anyways type = None _struct_fields = construct.Struct( "components" / construct.Array(_count_params, LiveParser._struct()), ) def __init__(self, components=[], command_params=[], **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) if len(components) > sum(command_params): raise BadLsbError( "Got more param components than expected for this LM version," " got {} expected {}.".format(len(components), sum(command_params)) ) self._component_keys = [] if components: i = 0 for type_index, flag in enumerate(command_params): if i >= len(components): break if flag: c = components[i] if isinstance(c, construct.Container): c = LiveParser.from_struct(c) # type_index is 1-indexed (0 is PR_NONE and is ignored) param_type = PropertyType(type_index + 1) if param_type == PropertyType.PR_NAME: # PR_NAME is a special case self.args["Name"] = c self._component_keys.append("Name") else: self.args[] = c self._component_keys.append( i += 1 def __getitem__(self, key): if key == "components": return [self.args[x] for x in self._component_keys] return super().__getitem__(key)
[docs] def keys(self): return super().keys() + ["components"]
# def _parse_lsc_args(self, *args, **kwargs): # if 'command_params' not in kwargs: # logger.warning('Attempting to parse component command without specifying param flags.') # command_params = kwargs.get('command_params', []) # components = [LiveParser.from_lsc(x) for x in args] # if len(components) > sum(command_params): # raise BadLsbError('Got more param components than expected for this LM version.') # if components: # i = 0 # for type_index, flag in enumerate(command_params): # if i >= len(components): # break # if flag: # c = components[i] # param_type = PropertyType(type_index) # if param_type == PropertyType.PR_NAME: # self.args['Name'] = c # else: # self.args[] = c # i += 1 # def _parse_xml_args(self, root, **kwargs): # for child in root: # if child.tag == 'Name' or child.tag in PropertyType.__members__: # self.args[child.tag] = LiveParser.from_xml(child)
[docs]class BoxNew(BaseComponentCommand): """Draw a rectangle in the specified screen region.""" type = CommandType.BoxNew
[docs]class ImgNew(BaseComponentCommand): """Draw an image in the specified screen region.""" type = CommandType.ImgNew
[docs]class MesNew(BaseComponentCommand): """Draw a message box in the specified screen region.""" type = CommandType.MesNew
[docs]class Timer(BaseComponentCommand): """Create a timer that calls a specified callback script when the timer expires.""" type = CommandType.Timer
[docs]class Movie(BaseComponentCommand): "Play a movie clip in the specified screen region." "" type = CommandType.Movie
[docs]class Flip(BaseCommand): """Apply a named flip (transition) effect to the specified object. The specifics of how a flip is applied to an object varies depending on the flip type. See the LiveNovel docs for detailed information on flip types and parameters. Args: Wipe (:class:`LiveParser`): Flip effect name. Time (:class:`LiveParser`): Flip duration. Reverse (:class:`LiveParser`): If evaluates to True, flip direction will be reversed. Act (:class:`LiveParser`): If evaluates to FL_STAY, object will remain on screen after flip (i.e. a fade-in effect), if FL_OUT, object will be removed after flip (i.e. a fade-out). Targets (:class:`LiveParserArray`): List of objects to be affected by this flip. Delete (:class:`LiveParser`): If evaluates to TRUE, object will be deleted after this flip. Source (:class:`LiveParser`): Source for this flip. Only used in LM version > 100. DifferenceOnly (:class:`LiveParser`): Unknown. Only used in LM version > 116. StopEvent (:class:`LiveParser`): If evaluates to TRUE, event processing will be stopped during this flip. Only used in LM version > 106. Param (:class:`LiveParserArray`): List of parameter arguments for this flip, optional optional depending on flip type. """ type = CommandType.Flip _struct_fields = construct.Struct( "Wipe" / LiveParser._struct(), "Time" / LiveParser._struct(), "Reverse" / LiveParser._struct(), "Act" / LiveParser._struct(), "Targets" / LiveParserArray._struct(construct.Int32ul), "Delete" / LiveParser._struct(), "Param" / LiveParserArray._struct(2, False), "Source" / construct.If(construct.this._._.version > 0x64, LiveParser._struct()), "StopEvent" / construct.If(construct.this._._.version > 0x6A, LiveParser._struct()), "DifferenceOnly" / construct.If(construct.this._._.version > 0x74, LiveParser._struct()), ) def __init__( self, Wipe=LiveParser(), Time=LiveParser(), Reverse=LiveParser(), Act=LiveParser(), Targets=LiveParserArray(), Delete=LiveParser(), Source=None, DifferenceOnly=None, StopEvent=None, Param=LiveParserArray(prefixed=False), **kwargs, ): # TODO: lsb and lsc XML serialization order are different (lsb is by # version, and XML always puts Param last), for now we assume text lsc # version uses the same order as XML lsc, and NOT the same order as # binary lsb. super().__init__(**kwargs) if isinstance(Wipe, construct.Container): Wipe = LiveParser.from_struct(Wipe) self.args["Wipe"] = Wipe if isinstance(Time, construct.Container): Time = LiveParser.from_struct(Time) self.args["Time"] = Time if isinstance(Reverse, construct.Container): Reverse = LiveParser.from_struct(Reverse) self.args["Reverse"] = Reverse if isinstance(Act, construct.Container): Act = LiveParser.from_struct(Act) self.args["Act"] = Act if isinstance(Targets, construct.ListContainer): Targets = LiveParserArray.from_struct(Targets) self.args["Targets"] = Targets if isinstance(Delete, construct.Container): Delete = LiveParser.from_struct(Delete) self.args["Delete"] = Delete if isinstance(Source, construct.Container): Source = LiveParser.from_struct(Source) self.args["Source"] = Source if isinstance(DifferenceOnly, construct.Container): DifferenceOnly = LiveParser.from_struct(DifferenceOnly) self.args["DifferenceOnly"] = DifferenceOnly if isinstance(StopEvent, construct.Container): StopEvent = LiveParser.from_struct(StopEvent) self.args["StopEvent"] = StopEvent if isinstance(Param, construct.ListContainer): Param = LiveParserArray.from_struct(Param, prefixed=False) self.args["Param"] = Param
# def _parse_lsc_args(self, Wipe, Time, Reverse, Act, Targets, Delete, Source, DifferenceOnly, # StopEvent, Param, *args, **kwargs): # raise NotImplementedError # # TODO: Implement this if someone finds an example .lsc # def _parse_xml_args(self, root, **kwargs): # for child in root: # if child.tag in ('Wipe', 'Time', 'Reverse', 'Act', 'Delete', 'Source', 'DifferenceOnly', 'StopEvent'): # self.args[child.tag] = LiveParser.from_xml(child) # elif child.tag == 'Targets': # self.args['Targets'] = LiveParserArray.from_xml(child) # elif child.tag == 'Param': # self.args['Param'] = LiveParserArray.from_xml(child, prefixed=False)
[docs]class Calc(BaseCommand): """Evaluate some expression. Generally used to store the result of some calculation into a variable. Args: Calc (:class:`LiveParser`): Expression to evaluate. """ type = CommandType.Calc _struct_fields = construct.Struct( "Calc" / LiveParser._struct(), ) def __init__(self, Calc=LiveParser(), **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) if isinstance(Calc, construct.Container): Calc = LiveParser.from_struct(Calc) self.args["Calc"] = Calc
# def _parse_lsc_args(self, Calc, *args, **kwargs): # self.args['Calc'] = LiveParser.from_lsc(Calc) # def _parse_xml_args(self, root, **kwargs): # for child in root: # if child.tag == 'Calc': # self.args['Calc'] = LiveParser.from_xml(child)
[docs]class VarNew(BaseCommand): """Create a new variable and optionally initialize it. Args: Name (str): Variable name. Type (int or :class:`ParamType`): Data type. InitVal: Initial value. Scope: Variable scope (0 = global). """ type = CommandType.VarNew _struct_fields = construct.Struct( "Name" / construct.PascalString(construct.Int32ul, "cp932"), "Type" / construct.Enum(construct.Byte, ParamType), "InitVal" / LiveParser._struct(), "Scope" / construct.Byte, ) def __init__(self, Name="", Type=0, InitVal=LiveParser(), Scope=0, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.args["Name"] = Name if not isinstance(Type, ParamType): Type = ParamType(int(Type)) self.args["Type"] = Type if isinstance(InitVal, construct.Container): InitVal = LiveParser.from_struct(InitVal) self.args["InitVal"] = InitVal self.args["Scope"] = int(Scope)
# def _parse_lsc_args(self, Name, Type, InitVal, Scope, *args, **kwargs): # self.args['Name'] = Name # self.args['Type'] = ParamType(int(Type)) # self.args['InitVal'] = LiveParser.from_lsc(InitVal) # self.args['Scope'] = int(Scope) # def _parse_xml_args(self, root, **kwargs): # for child in root: # if child.tag == 'Name': # self.args['Name'] = child.text # elif child.tag == 'Type': # self.args['Type'] = ParamType(int(child.text)) # elif child.tag == 'InitVal': # self.args['InitVal'] = LiveParser.from_xml(child) # elif child.tag == 'Scope': # self.args['Scope'] = int(child.text)
[docs]class VarDel(BaseCommand): """Delete a variable. Args: Name (str): Variable to delete. """ type = CommandType.VarDel _struct_fields = construct.Struct( "Name" / construct.PascalString(construct.Int32ul, "cp932"), ) def __init__(self, Name="", **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.args["Name"] = Name
# def _parse_lsc_args(self, Name, *args, **kwargs): # self.args['Name'] = Name # def _parse_xml_args(self, root, **kwargs): # for child in root: # if child.tag == 'Name': # self.args['Name'] = child.text
[docs]class GetProp(BaseCommand): """Get the specified object property. Args: ObjName (:class:`LiveParser`): Object name. ObjProp (:class:`LiveParser`): Property name. VarName (str): Object property will be stored in `VarName`. """ type = CommandType.GetProp _struct_fields = construct.Struct( "ObjName" / LiveParser._struct(), "ObjProp" / LiveParser._struct(), "VarName" / construct.PascalString(construct.Int32ul, "cp932"), ) def __init__(self, ObjName=LiveParser(), ObjProp=LiveParser(), VarName="", **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) if isinstance(ObjName, construct.Container): ObjName = LiveParser.from_struct(ObjName) self.args["ObjName"] = ObjName if isinstance(ObjProp, construct.Container): ObjProp = LiveParser.from_struct(ObjProp) self.args["ObjProp"] = ObjProp self.args["VarName"] = VarName
# def _parse_lsc_args(self, ObjName, ObjProp, VarName, *args, **kwargs): # self.args['ObjName'] = LiveParser.from_lsc(ObjName) # self.args['ObjProp'] = LiveParser.from_lsc(ObjProp) # self.args['VarName'] = VarName # def _parse_xml_args(self, root, **kwargs): # for child in root: # if child.tag in ('ObjName', 'ObjProp'): # self.args[child.tag] = LiveParser.from_xml(child) # elif child.tag == 'VarName': # self.args['VarName'] = child.text
[docs]class SetProp(BaseCommand): """Set the specified object property. Args: ObjName (:class:`LiveParser`): Object name. ObjProp (:class:`LiveParser`): Property name. Value (:class:`LiveParser`): Object property will be set to `Value`. """ type = CommandType.SetProp _struct_fields = construct.Struct( "ObjName" / LiveParser._struct(), "ObjProp" / LiveParser._struct(), "Value" / LiveParser._struct(), ) def __init__(self, ObjName=LiveParser(), ObjProp=LiveParser(), Value=LiveParser(), **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) if isinstance(ObjName, construct.Container): ObjName = LiveParser.from_struct(ObjName) self.args["ObjName"] = ObjName if isinstance(ObjProp, construct.Container): ObjProp = LiveParser.from_struct(ObjProp) self.args["ObjProp"] = ObjProp if isinstance(Value, construct.Container): Value = LiveParser.from_struct(Value) self.args["Value"] = Value
# def _parse_lsc_args(self, ObjName, ObjProp, Value, *args, **kwargs): # self.args['ObjName'] = LiveParser.from_lsc(ObjName) # self.args['ObjProp'] = LiveParser.from_lsc(ObjProp) # self.args['Value'] = LiveParser.from_lsc(Value) # def _parse_xml_args(self, root, **kwargs): # for child in root: # if child.tag in ('ObjName', 'ObjProp', 'Value'): # self.args[child.tag] = LiveParser.from_xml(child)
[docs]class ObjDel(BaseCommand): """Delete the specified object. Args: Name (:class:`LiveParser`): Name of object to delete. """ type = CommandType.ObjDel _struct_fields = construct.Struct( "Name" / LiveParser._struct(), ) def __init__(self, Name=LiveParser(), **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) if isinstance(Name, construct.Container): Name = LiveParser.from_struct(Name) self.args["Name"] = Name
[docs]class TextIns(BaseCommand): """Insert a LiveNovel text block. The text block will be in a "compiled" TpWord format, rather than in the "HTML-like" LiveNovelScript format. Args: Text (:class:`TpWord`): The text block to insert. Target (:class:`LiveParser`): Name of the message box to display the text. Hist (:class:`LiveParser`): If TRUE, add the text to history. Wait (:class:`LiveParser`): If TRUE, wait until all text is read and message box is cleared before proceeding. StopEvent (:class:`LiveParser`): If TRUE, stop event processing while displaying this text. If FALSE, the value of `Wait` will be ignored. Only used if LM version > 106. """ type = CommandType.TextIns _struct_fields = construct.Struct( "Text" / construct.Prefixed(construct.Int32ul, TpWord._struct()), # 'text' / construct.Prefixed(construct.Int32ul, construct.GreedyBytes), "Target" / LiveParser._struct(), "Hist" / LiveParser._struct(), "Wait" / LiveParser._struct(), "StopEvent" / construct.If(construct.this._._.version > 0x6A, LiveParser._struct()), ) def __init__( self, Text=TpWord(), Target=LiveParser(), Hist=LiveParser(), Wait=LiveParser(), StopEvent=None, **kwargs ): super().__init__(**kwargs) if isinstance(Text, construct.Container): Text = TpWord.from_struct(Text) self.args["Text"] = Text if isinstance(Target, construct.Container): Target = LiveParser.from_struct(Target) self.args["Target"] = Target if isinstance(Hist, construct.Container): Hist = LiveParser.from_struct(Hist) self.args["Hist"] = Hist if isinstance(Wait, construct.Container): Wait = LiveParser.from_struct(Wait) self.args["Wait"] = Wait if isinstance(StopEvent, construct.Container): StopEvent = LiveParser.from_struct(StopEvent) self.args["StopEvent"] = StopEvent
# def _parse_lsc_args(self, Text, ObjName, Hist, Wait, StopEvent, *args, **kwargs): # self.args['Text'] = LiveParser.from_lsc(Text) # self.args['ObjName'] = LiveParser.from_lsc(ObjName) # self.args['Hist'] = LiveParser.from_lsc(Hist) # self.args['Wait'] = LiveParser.from_lsc(Wait) # if StopEvent is not None: # self.args['StopEvent'] = LiveParser.from_lsc(StopEvent) # else: # self.args['StopEvent'] = None # def _parse_xml_args(self, root, **kwargs): # logger.warning('Parsing XML for TextIns not fully supported.') # for child in root: # if child.tag == 'Text': # self.args['Text'] = TpWord.from_xml(child) # elif child.tag in ('ObjName', 'Hist', 'Wait', 'StopEvent'): # self.args[child.tag] = LiveParser.from_xml(child)
[docs]class MovieStop(BaseCommand): """Stop playback and delete the specified media clip. Args: Target (:class:`LiveParser`): Name of media clip to stop. Time (:class:`LiveParser`): Time for playback to fade out in milliseconds (0 is immediate with no fade out). Wait (:class:`LiveParser`): If TRUE, command processing will not proceed until the media clip is deleted. StopEvent (:class:`LiveParser`): If TRUE, event processing will be stopped until media clip is deleted. Only used in LM version > 106 """ type = CommandType.MovieStop _struct_fields = construct.Struct( "Target" / LiveParser._struct(), "Time" / LiveParser._struct(), "Wait" / LiveParser._struct(), "StopEvent" / construct.If(construct.this._._.version > 0x6A, LiveParser._struct()), ) def __init__(self, Target=LiveParser(), Time=LiveParser(), Wait=LiveParser(), StopEvent=None, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) if isinstance(Target, construct.Container): Target = LiveParser.from_struct(Target) self.args["Target"] = Target if isinstance(Time, construct.Container): Time = LiveParser.from_struct(Time) self.args["Time"] = Time if isinstance(Wait, construct.Container): Wait = LiveParser.from_struct(Wait) self.args["Wait"] = Wait if isinstance(StopEvent, construct.Container): StopEvent = LiveParser.from_struct(StopEvent) self.args["StopEvent"] = StopEvent
# def _parse_lsc_args(self, Target, Time, Wait, StopEvent, *args, **kwargs): # self.args['Target'] = LiveParser.from_lsc(Target) # self.args['Time'] = LiveParser.from_lsc(Time) # self.args['Wait'] = LiveParser.from_lsc(Wait) # if StopEvent is not None: # self.args['StopEvent'] = LiveParser.from_lsc(StopEvent) # else: # self.args['StopEvent'] = None # def _parse_xml_args(self, root, **kwargs): # for child in root: # if child.tag in ('Target', 'Time', 'Wait', 'StopEvent'): # self.args[child.tag] = LiveParser.from_xml(child)
[docs]class ClrHist(Else): """Clear text history.""" type = CommandType.ClrHist
[docs]class Cinema(BaseComponentCommand): """Play the specified cinema object.""" type = CommandType.Cinema
[docs]class Caption(BaseComponentCommand): """Display a caption.""" type = CommandType.Caption
# def _parse_lsc_args(self, Target, *args, **kwargs): # self.args['Target'] = LiveParser.from_lsc(Target) # def _parse_xml_args(self, root, **kwargs): # for child in root: # if child.tag == 'Target': # self.args['Target'] = LiveParser.from_xml(child)
[docs]class Comment(Label): """Create a comment.""" type = CommandType.Comment
[docs]class TextClr(BaseCommand): """Clear the specified text. Args: Target (:class:`LiveParser`): Message box to clear. """ type = CommandType.TextClr _struct_fields = construct.Struct( "Target" / LiveParser._struct(), ) def __init__(self, Target=LiveParser(), **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) if isinstance(Target, construct.Container): Target = LiveParser.from_struct(Target) self.args["Target"] = Target
# def _parse_lsc_args(self, Target, *args, **kwargs): # self.args['Target'] = LiveParser.from_lsc(Target) # def _parse_xml_args(self, root, **kwargs): # for child in root: # if child.tag == 'Target': # self.args['Target'] = LiveParser.from_xml(child)
[docs]class CallHist(BaseCommand): """Open the text history (backlog). Args: Target (:class:`LiveParser`): Message box to display history. Index (:class:`LiveParser`): Index of line to start showing history from. Count (:class:`LiveParser`): Number of lines to show. CutBreak (:class:`LiveParser`): Normally a gap is displayed separating script pages (scenario pages) in the history. If `CutBreak` is TRUE, this gap will be removed. FormatName (:class:`LiveParser`): Name of history formatter to use. Only used in LM version > 110. """ type = CommandType.CallHist _struct_fields = construct.Struct( "Target" / LiveParser._struct(), "Index" / LiveParser._struct(), "Count" / LiveParser._struct(), "CutBreak" / LiveParser._struct(), "FormatName" / construct.If(construct.this._._.version > 0x6E, LiveParser._struct()), ) def __init__( self, Target=LiveParser(), Index=LiveParser(), Count=LiveParser(), CutBreak=LiveParser(), FormatName=None, **kwargs, ): super().__init__(**kwargs) if isinstance(Target, construct.Container): Target = LiveParser.from_struct(Target) self.args["Target"] = Target if isinstance(Index, construct.Container): Index = LiveParser.from_struct(Index) self.args["Index"] = Index if isinstance(Count, construct.Container): Count = LiveParser.from_struct(Count) self.args["Count"] = Count if isinstance(CutBreak, construct.Container): CutBreak = LiveParser.from_struct(CutBreak) self.args["CutBreak"] = CutBreak if isinstance(FormatName, construct.Container): FormatName = LiveParser.from_struct(FormatName) self.args["FormatName"] = FormatName
# def _parse_lsc_args(self, Target, Index, Count, CutBreak, FormatName, *args, **kwargs): # self.args['Target'] = LiveParser.from_lsc(Target) # self.args['Index'] = LiveParser.from_lsc(Index) # self.args['Count'] = LiveParser.from_lsc(Count) # self.args['CutBreak'] = LiveParser.from_lsc(CutBreak) # if FormatName is not None: # self.args['FormatName'] = LiveParser.from_lsc(FormatName) # else: # self.args['FormatName'] = None # def _parse_xml_args(self, root, **kwargs): # for child in root: # if child.tag in ('Target', 'Index', 'Count', 'CutBreak', 'FormatName'): # self.args[child.tag] = LiveParser.from_xml(child)
[docs]class Button(BaseComponentCommand): """Create a clickable button.""" type = CommandType.Button
[docs]class While(BaseCommand): """Insert while loop block conditional statement. Args: Calc (:class:`LiveParser`): Loop conditional expression (i.e. i < 10). If TRUE the loop will be run, otherwise execution will branch to `End` + 2 (Since `End` is followed by the closing `WhileLoop` command). End (int): Index of the last command contained by the loop. The command at `End` will be followed by the closing `WhileLoop` command for this loop. Note: We do not fully support serializing loops to and from XML. In an LSB file, a loop block looks like:: TComWhileInit i = 0 TComWhile i < 10 <Nested commands>... TComWhileLoop i = i + 1 TComWhileInit and TComWhile will have the same index (they are treated internally by LiveMaker as a single command). In LiveMaker's actual XML lsc format, they store this entire pattern as a single `While` command, even though it gets compiled into the 3 separate `WhileInit`, `While`, `WhileLoop` commands (with the final `WhileLoop` inserted before the next command with an indentation level outside of the loop). In pylivemaker, we just output the commands individually in the order they appear in an LSB. """ type = CommandType.While _struct_fields = construct.Struct( "Calc" / LiveParser._struct(), "End" / construct.Int32ul, ) def __init__(self, Calc=LiveParser(), End=0, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) if isinstance(Calc, construct.Container): Calc = LiveParser.from_struct(Calc) self.args["Calc"] = Calc self.args["End"] = int(End)
[docs]class WhileInit(BaseCommand): """Initialize a while loop. Args: Calc (:class:`LiveParser`): Loop initialization statement (i.e. i = 0). """ type = CommandType.WhileInit _struct_fields = construct.Struct( "Calc" / LiveParser._struct(), ) def __init__(self, Calc=LiveParser, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) if isinstance(Calc, construct.Container): Calc = LiveParser.from_struct(Calc) self.args["Calc"] = Calc def _parse_lsc_args(self, Calc, *args, **kwargs): self.args["Calc"] = LiveParser.from_lsc(Calc) def _parse_xml_args(self, root, **kwargs): for child in root: if child.tag == "Calc": self.args["Calc"] = LiveParser.from_xml(child)
[docs]class WhileLoop(WhileInit): """Close a while loop. Args: Start (int): Index of the command preceding this loop. After evaluating the statement in `Calc`, command processing will return to `Start` + 1, which should be the opening `WhileInit`/`While` commands. Note: `WhileLoop` is handled a subclass of :class:`WhileInit` for struct parsing purposes. `Calc` is an expression to be evaluated when reaching the end of the loop (i.e. i = i + 1). """ type = CommandType.WhileLoop _struct_fields = construct.Struct( construct.Embedded(WhileInit._struct_fields), "Start" / construct.Int32ul, ) def __init__(self, Start=0, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.args["Start"] = int(Start)
[docs]class Break(Exit): """Loop break statement. Args: End (int): Index for the end of the current loop. Note: `Break` is handled a subclass of :class:`Exit` for struct parsing purposes. If `Calc` is TRUE, command processing will exit the current loop. """ type = CommandType.Break _struct_fields = construct.Struct( construct.Embedded(Exit._struct_fields), "End" / construct.Int32ul, ) def __init__(self, End=0, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.args["End"] = int(End)
[docs]class Continue(Exit): """Loop continue statement. Args: Start (int): Index for the start of the current loop. Note: `Continue` is handled a subclass of :class:`Exit` for struct parsing purposes. If `Calc` is TRUE, command processing will return to the start of the current loop. """ type = CommandType.Continue _struct_fields = construct.Struct( construct.Embedded(Exit._struct_fields), "Start" / construct.Int32ul, ) def __init__(self, Start=0, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.args["Start"] = int(Start)
[docs]class ParticleNew(BaseComponentCommand): """Insert a particle effect.""" type = CommandType.ParticleNew
[docs]class FireNew(BaseComponentCommand): """Insert a flame effect.""" type = CommandType.FireNew
[docs]class GameSave(BaseCommand): """Create a game save. Args: No (:class:`LiveParser`): Save slot number to use. Page (str): Save location is normally the command following this `GameSave`. If `Page` is specified, it will be used as the save location. Label (int): Label index in `Page` to load. Only used in LM version > 104. Caption (:class:`LiveParser`): Caption for this save. """ type = CommandType.GameSave # NOTE: LabelReference is not used since the label field is versioned for # GameSave _struct_fields = construct.Struct( "No" / LiveParser._struct(), "Page" / construct.PascalString(construct.Int32ul, "cp932"), "Label" / construct.If(construct.this._._.version > 0x68, construct.Int32ul), "Caption" / LiveParser._struct(), ) def __init__(self, No=LiveParser(), Page="", Label=None, Caption=LiveParser(), **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) if isinstance(No, construct.Container): No = LiveParser.from_struct(No) self.args["No"] = No self.args["Page"] = Page if Label is not None: self.args["Label"] = int(Label) else: self.args["Label"] = None if isinstance(Caption, construct.Container): No = LiveParser.from_struct(Caption) self.args["Caption"] = Caption
[docs]class GameLoad(BaseCommand): """Load a game save. Args: No (:class:`LiveParser`): Save slot number to load. """ type = CommandType.GameLoad _struct_fields = construct.Struct( "No" / LiveParser._struct(), ) def __init__(self, No=LiveParser(), **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) if isinstance(No, construct.Container): No = LiveParser.from_struct(No) self.args["No"] = No
[docs]class PCReset(BaseCommand): """Reset program counter to the specified page. See LiveNovel documentation for details. Args: Page (:class:`LabelReference`): PC will be reset to `Page`. AllClear (int): If non-zero, all call stack information will be cleared after the reset. """ type = CommandType.PCReset _struct_fields = construct.Struct( "Page" / LabelReference._struct(), "AllClear" / construct.Byte, ) def __init__(self, Page=LabelReference(), AllClear=0, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) if isinstance(Page, construct.Container): LabelReference.from_struct(Page) self.args["Page"] = Page self.args["AllClear"] = int(AllClear)
[docs]class Reset(PCReset): """Delete all components, variables and stacks and transfer processing to the specified page.""" type = CommandType.Reset
[docs]class Sound(BaseComponentCommand): """Play the specified sound.""" type = CommandType.Sound
[docs]class EditNew(BaseComponentCommand): """Create an edit component.""" type = CommandType.EditNew
[docs]class MemoNew(BaseComponentCommand): """Create a memo component.""" type = CommandType.MemoNew
[docs]class Terminate(Else): """Unconditionally exit the program.""" type = CommandType.Terminate
[docs]class DoEvent(Else): """Process the specified event.""" type = CommandType.DoEvent
[docs]class ClrRead(Else): """Clear read text information.""" type = CommandType.ClrRead
[docs]class MapImgNew(BaseComponentCommand): """Create an image surface component.""" type = CommandType.MapImgNew
[docs]class WaveNew(BaseComponentCommand): """Create a wave surface component.""" type = CommandType.WaveNew
[docs]class TileNew(BaseComponentCommand): """Create a tiled surface component.""" type = CommandType.TileNew
[docs]class SliderNew(BaseComponentCommand): """Create a slider.""" type = CommandType.SliderNew
[docs]class ScrollbarNew(BaseComponentCommand): """Create a scrollbar.""" type = CommandType.ScrollbarNew
[docs]class GaugeNew(BaseComponentCommand): """Create a gauge.""" type = CommandType.GaugeNew
[docs]class CGCaption(BaseComponentCommand): type = CommandType.CGCaption
[docs]class MediaPlay(BaseCommand): """Play the specified media. Args: Target (:class:`LiveParser`): Media object to play. """ type = CommandType.MediaPlay _struct_fields = construct.Struct( "Target" / LiveParser._struct(), ) def __init__(self, Target=LiveParser(), **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) if isinstance(Target, construct.Container): Target = LiveParser.from_struct(Target) self.args["Target"] = Target
[docs]class PrevMenuNew(BaseComponentCommand): """Create a preview menu component.""" type = CommandType.PrevMenuNew
[docs]class PropMotion(BaseCommand): """Gradually change the specified object property to the specified value over time. Args: Name (:class:`LiveParser`): Name of this motion. ObjName (:class:`LiveParser`): Object to modify. ObjProp (:class:`LiveParser`): Property to modify. Value (:class:`LiveParser`): Value to set. Time (:class:`LiveParser`): Duration in milliseconds. MoveType (:class:`LiveParser`): Move type, see LiveNovel docs for details. Paused: (:class:`LiveParser`): Unknown. Only used for LM version > 107. """ type = CommandType.PropMotion _struct_fields = construct.Struct( "Name" / LiveParser._struct(), "ObjName" / LiveParser._struct(), "ObjProp" / LiveParser._struct(), "Value" / LiveParser._struct(), "Time" / LiveParser._struct(), "MoveType" / LiveParser._struct(), "Paused" / construct.If(construct.this._._.version > 0x6B, LiveParser._struct()), ) def __init__( self, Name=LiveParser(), ObjName=LiveParser(), ObjProp=LiveParser(), Value=LiveParser(), Time=LiveParser(), MoveType=LiveParser(), Paused=None, **kwargs, ): super().__init__(**kwargs) if isinstance(Name, construct.Container): Name = LiveParser.from_struct(Name) self.args["Name"] = Name if isinstance(ObjName, construct.Container): ObjName = LiveParser.from_struct(ObjName) self.args["ObjName"] = ObjName if isinstance(ObjProp, construct.Container): ObjProp = LiveParser.from_struct(ObjProp) self.args["ObjProp"] = ObjProp if isinstance(Value, construct.Container): Value = LiveParser.from_struct(Value) self.args["Value"] = Value if isinstance(Time, construct.Container): Time = LiveParser.from_struct(Time) self.args["Time"] = Time if isinstance(MoveType, construct.Container): MoveType = LiveParser.from_struct(MoveType) self.args["MoveType"] = MoveType if isinstance(Paused, construct.Container): Paused = LiveParser.from_struct(Paused) self.args["Paused"] = Paused
[docs]class FormatHist(BaseCommand): """Register a history display format. Args: Name (:class:`LiveParser`): Name of this format. Target (:class:`LiveParser`): Target message box. Only used in LM version > 110. """ type = CommandType.FormatHist _struct_fields = construct.Struct( "Name" / LiveParser._struct(), "Target" / construct.If(construct.this._._.version > 0x6E, LiveParser._struct()), ) def __init__(self, Name=LiveParser(), Target=LiveParser(), **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) if isinstance(Name, construct.Container): Name = LiveParser.from_struct(Name) self.args["Name"] = Name if isinstance(Target, construct.Container): Target = LiveParser.from_struct(Target) self.args["Target"] = Target
[docs]class SaveCabinet(BaseComponentCommand): """Move screen components into the specified save cabinet. See LiveNovel docs for details. Args: Act (:class:`LiveParser`): If FALSE the specified screen objects will be saved. If TRUE, all screen objects other than the specified ones will be saved. Targets (:class:`LiveParserArray`): List of objects to save. """ type = CommandType.SaveCabinet _struct_fields = construct.Struct( construct.Embedded(BaseComponentCommand._struct_fields), "Act" / LiveParser._struct(), "Targets" / LiveParserArray._struct(construct.Int32ul), ) def __init__(self, Act=LiveParser(), Targets=LiveParserArray(), **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) if isinstance(Act, construct.Container): Act = LiveParser.from_struct(Act) self.args["Act"] = Act if isinstance(Targets, construct.ListContainer): Targets = LiveParserArray.from_struct(Targets) self.args["Targets"] = Targets
[docs]class LoadCabinet(SaveCabinet): """Load screen objects from the specified cabinet.""" type = CommandType.LoadCabinet
[docs]class IFDEF(Else): """Ifdef compiler directive, removed during LSB compilation.""" type = CommandType.IFDEF
[docs]class IFNDEF(Else): """Ifndef compiler directive, removed during LSB compilation.""" type = CommandType.IFNDEF
[docs]class ENDIF(Else): """Endif compiler directive, removed during LSB compilation.""" type = CommandType.ENDIF
_command_classes = {x: globals()[] for x in CommandType} _command_structs = [globals()[]._struct() for x in CommandType]